Your guide on how to become a self learner

The world of self learning is quiet difficult to enter and unstructured. But it is the most sought after skill a person can possess in the 21st century. It is critical to achieving out aspirations and ambitions.

I, personally believe in the art of self learning, and we all should nurture out habit to become self learners. The time where we used to be dependent on some external presence to teach us something is a thing of the past. Re-wire your brains and trick yourself to teach yourself everything you want to learn and say, “Oh, what should I learn today!!”.

Be Self Reliant

The art of self study is for everyone regardless of age, gender, color, nationality…… name it. Although, it’s supremely beneficial for the students, as it is their “learning period”.


In an economy and society that innovates faster than ever in human history, challenges also crop up that require just as swift resolution. Facing a future that we cannot foresee, the ability to adapt and learn is key.

What was recent tomorrow is old today. If you cannot keep up with the pace of the changes in the world you wil be left behind because nobody is waiting for anyone. In the age of AI, technology adaptation is the basic survival necessity, including the social and environmental phenomena. The best given example, COVID-19 – a change so drastic beyond our imagination, even then humans have to adapt socially, mentally and technically as well. So, be the free bird you wished to become without limits.

Be positive

Goal setting is extremely important because it helps you increase productivity and also improves your focus. Having clear objectives means you are more likely to create a specific plan and take action to achieve your goals.

Find your interest, in subjects which are non-traditional, traditional, out of the syllabus. It’s fine as long as you develop a fascination towards it.


Whatever subject you want to learn about, the resources on the Internet are endless. Now don’t get me wrong, it’s not as linear as a course or curriculum, but there are opportunities in that. Even if there is no classroom, no teacher, no structure or system there can still be a student.

“Nobody can stop a person from learning is he is willing to, similarly no body can teach a person if he doesn’t want to.”

Knowledge in pursuit of an interest, based on curiosity and life-long learning is collected in a more sporadic fashion. The nature of learning in a curious manner leads to serendipitous discoveries (information and people) and takes you down paths you may never of been exposed to. The only downfall of this path is you are your own parameters, no one else is coming to see if your did what you did or if you didn’t.


How will you know what you have learned? Or, even if you learned or not? Simple put it test. Create something that proves that you have the skill to create it. There can be two approaches, top-down and the bottom-up. What you choose to follow depends on what you prefer. Either you can learn something and then create something, or you can begin by creating something you want to but don’t know how to and learn along the way.

From, my personal experience I can tell that it’s rewarding in a strange yet cool way. It improves you confidence in yourself. You can showcase what you learned to the world, who’s knows maybe inspire some along the way. Find admirers, stumble upon something unexpectedly good, which opens a whole new world. The opportunities are never ending.

Learn what you don’t know

Learning is an never ending journey. It will go on with every breath of yours. So, let’s embrace it and internalize it. It’s not about numbers as most of have learned in our growing years, but it’s about discovering things and inventing things. Making changes to the present things and all the things in the future.

Always remember it doesn’t matter where you started and how far you came, but it’s all about the hurdles you overcame, and the value you added your journey as a whole. So Set goals-Achieve them and repeat.