A teenager’s stress

In the cut-throat world of competition, it is natural to feel stressed about not keeping up with others. Stress up to a certain limit is normal and may motivate you to get ready for action. It is your body’s response to challenges. But too much of it for a long period of time can cause distress and may even prove to be a hindrance in performing day-to-day activities.

This may hit a person as early as their teenage years. Being a teen can be stressful. You have a constant pressure from the society. It may look easy but there is a lot going on internally which can be a huge burden for such a young mind. As you grow older, you suddenly start becoming conscious of who you are and what is your identity in the society, feeling a pressure to prove yourself the best. Now there is nothing wrong in trying to become a better person but the continuous expectations from school and one’s own peers can build a tremendous amount of pressure.

Some of the causes of the rising stress levels of teens can be attributed to the following factors:

School work:  School work and periodic assessments form an important part of evaluation of a student’s progress but sometimes it can be a lot for an individual to bear. Sometimes, students even start to avoid going to school as a result. Some may even end up developing a “don’t care anymore” approach which doesn’t benefit anyone in anyway.

Along with excelling at academics, extra-curricular activities also need to be taken seriously for an overall development. It is always nice to take part in activities beyond your academics but again, pressure tags along with it. Now, there is a need to balance your studies as well as the activities.

Lack of time and sleep: As there is a lot to accomplish in a limited time, teens often end up sacrificing a good sleep cycle. Social media also occupies a lot of time because of which, they may get distracted and end up wasting their precious hours.

Life challenges: They may often feel unprepared for the future challenges or situations. This can make them feel overwhelmed and result in anxiety issues.

Some common signs of stress in teens are:

  • Having trouble sleeping or even feeling sleepy after having the right amount of it.
  • They have trouble concentrating and may lose focus easily.
  • They are always tired, fatigued or overly-anxious.
  • They many not be eating well leading to health issues.

Even though it is very prevalent, there are certain measures that can be applied to deal with it.

Here, major responsibility may lie on the parents to be attentive of their teen’s needs. If they are given a supportive environment to grow rather then a hostile one where they always feel criticized and undervalued, they may find it easier to open up about their problems.

Staying connected to family and friends, getting good enough sleep, eating healthy and exercising can be some of the ways to deal with stress.

Moreover, practicing helpful thinking patterns is important rather than unhelpful thinking, which constantly involves viewing yourself in a self-deprecating manner.

If the situation becomes way too serious, it is always ideal to get a professional involved. They will understand the situation better and help the child to deal with his stress as well as for their parents to know the causes behind of it so that they can create a stress-free environment for them.