Consumer Protection Act-2019

Consumer Protection Act to be implemented from July 20; here's how ...

Consumer protection act, 2019 – an act of the parliament of India comes into force. This new act came into force on 20th july 2020, by replacing a 34 years old Consumer Protection Act 1986. This Act will be very helpful for the consumers as the act will empower consumers and will help them exercise their rights. To check the rights of the consumers various notified rules and provisions were developed.

This new law was announced by the Consumer Affairs Minister Shri Ram vilas Paswan, he said that consumer protection act will promote, protect and enforce the rights of consumers and released a set of rules that comes under the act . The law will not only protect the interest of consumers but will also prevent unfair trade practices, buying and selling of unsafe goods and will take care of misleading advertisements. also anybody following such practices will be imposed with penalties and punishments.

So basically this law gives more powers to consumers through various rules related to consumer protection council, product liability, penalty for unsafe goods, penalty for unfair trade practices and consumer disputes redressal commissions. Also the this time this law has few rules for the prevention of unfair trade practice by E-commerce such as every E-commerce should provide proper information of the product, information related to return, refund and also they are bound to include the country of origin of the product.

Consumer Protection Act, 2019: Meaning and Key Features

To check if all these regulations are rightly exercised or not, the central goverment has established an organisation known as CCPA. CCPA which stands for central consumer protection authority is established to conduct investigations on unsafe goods, unfair trade practices,misleading advertisements and they also have the right to impose penalties.

Apart from this some new provisions are also developed such as dispute resolution process are simplified as state and district commissions can review their own orders and also simplified the process to approach the consumer commission through e-filing of complaints and hearings through video conferencing. Hence these new rules are developed totally in the favour of consumers so that they can easily exercise their rights.