Etiquette for public speaking

public speaking is commonly understood as face to face speaking between individual and an audience for the purpose of communication.

The following are the basis etiquette to be followed as a public speaker:

  1. Preparation

Know you stuff! The best thing is you can do is to be overwhelmingly, thoroughly and completely prepared and in mastery of your material.

2. Always thank the introducer and greet the audience

before beginning your speech, it is polite to thank the person who introduced you and to greet the audience making a special greetings to dignitaries, government officials and other special attendees. Remember your were invited and consider it us privilege.

3. Do not apologize for lack of preparation

there is no substitute for preparedness however there are time when preparation is not possible.

4. Eliminate distracting habits and verbal crutches

those uhs, and ums can be very distracting and annoying. Practice your speech and record it us to identify verbal crutches.

5. Every gesture, look, motion, and sounds should have purpose

although body movement can enhance a message, movement that is made fir the sole purpose of movement appears unnatural and awkward. Use hand and body movement to emphasize a pint or to help the audience visualize.

6. Do not lose eye contact

some talks are made to be read, others are not. Whether your notes are for reference only or meant to be read, poor eye contact is distracting.good eye contact is a learned skill practice

7. Do not thank audience

As children we were taught that it is polite to say thank you. Is still is but after speech it is erroneously used to fill in the space after the last word has been uttered.