Wheeling Through Time: The Journey of Dr. Arvind Kumar’s Bicycle

By Shashikant Nishant Sharma

Once upon a time, there was a sleek silver bicycle, its frame polished to a shine from years of adventure and companionship. From the bustling streets of Jaipur to the serene lanes of Roorkee, it had faithfully carried its rider, Dr. Arvind Kumar, through the chapters of his life.

In 2012, when Arvind embarked on his journey as an undergraduate student of architecture at NIT Jaipur, the bicycle became his trusted companion. With its sturdy wheels spinning tirelessly, it carried him to classes, studio sessions, and late-night brainstorming sessions with his peers. Together, they explored the nooks and crannies of Jaipur, discovering hidden gems and weaving through the chaotic charm of the Pink City.

As Arvind’s academic pursuits led him to pursue a Ph.D. at IIT Roorkee, the bicycle dutifully made the journey alongside him. Through the winding roads of Roorkee, where the air was thick with the scent of academia and the promise of discovery, they forged a deeper bond. The bicycle became more than just a means of transportation; it became a symbol of resilience, perseverance, and the joy of the open road.

Throughout his doctoral research, the bicycle offered solace and inspiration. It was during one of their rides through the quaint streets of Roorkee that Arvind stumbled upon the idea that would shape his thesis. As he pedaled furiously, the wind whipping through his hair, thoughts swirled in his mind like leaves caught in a whirlwind. And amidst the chaos, clarity emerged.

Years passed, and as Arvind graduated with his Ph.D., the bicycle remained a constant in his life. When he joined the esteemed faculty at NIT Trichy as an Assistant Professor, it was only natural that the bicycle accompanied him once again, this time to the vibrant campus nestled amidst the lush greenery of Tiruchirappalli.

At NIT Trichy, the bicycle became a familiar sight, weaving through the avenues lined with towering trees and echoing with the laughter of students. It became a symbol of Arvind’s dedication to sustainable living and his commitment to reducing his carbon footprint. Students and colleagues alike admired the silver steed, its frame bearing the marks of countless journeys and shared memories.

But as the years rolled by, the bicycle began to show signs of wear and tear. Its once shiny frame dulled with age, and its wheels creaked with each revolution. Yet, despite its outward appearance, the spirit of the bicycle remained unbroken. It continued to carry Arvind to and from campus, its wheels spinning with the same determination that had fueled their adventures for over a decade.

And so, as the sun set on another day at NIT Trichy, Dr. Arvind Kumar pedaled homeward on his trusty bicycle, the wind whispering secrets of journeys yet to come. For though the bicycle may have weathered the passage of time, its spirit remained as indomitable as ever, ready to embark on new adventures alongside its faithful rider.