The relevance of yoga and meditation in the modern lives

We are living in a complex world, it’s a changing world, nothing is permanent, traditions and values are changing everything seems to be in the state of flux. In today’s world the majority of the people are suffering from mental and physical illness.What we can do to overcome them. The simple answer to the question is that follow the path that is showed by our sages and great gurus and that is the path of yoga and meditation, the modern life is full of confusion people are generally seen obsessed with materialistic things, consideration a good house , big bank balance are the three virtues of successful modern life according to today’s man,but do they lead to real peace? Do money and modern items make happier human beings perhaps not here comes the relevance of yoga and meditation. They are the creative processes ,the discipline in our minds as well as the body, the great extra energy and power yoga exercises help us with many elements and prevent many diseases . Meditation helps our mind . to neglect other thoughts and make us feel positive .It also makes us confident and morally strong . Yoga and meditation are necessary for students too, they are generally engaged in online work be it online studying or any other business work in which there is no physical movement ,but yogic exercise and meditation can help them restore their reserves of their lost energy and power that can help them in concentration and remove tiredness too.

Some of the types of Yoga are which help are useful are:-

(1).Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

The heels root down, the muscles of the legs are engaged, the bones are stacked with the shoulders directly over the hips, the shoulder blades slump the rear , and therefore the crown of the top rises. do not forget to breathe.

(2).Garland Pose (Malasana)

Photo by Marta Wave on

Move your feet, bend the sides of your mat and bend your knees, coming into a squat. The toes may end up if necessary. If your heels don’t reach the ground , you’ll sit on two stacked blocks. This modification makes the pose more accessible for several people.This is an edge that’s quite natural for youngsters , but we lose the knack for it as adults. It’s great for the hips and to counteract the consequences of an excessive amount of sitting in chairs and riding in cars.

What is meditation?

Meditation refers to the practice of focusing attention on breath or on an object or thought or a mantra. Here attention is focused.

Some of the types of meditation are :-

(1) Vipasana meditation

It is also known as mindfulness-based meditation, there is no fixed object or thought to hold the attention. The person passively observes the various bodily sensations and thoughts that are passing through in her or his awareness.

(2) Kundalini Yoga

It is taught within the USA and has been found to be effective in treatment of mental disorders. The Institute for Nonlinear Science, University of California, San Diego, USA has found that Kundalini Yoga is effective within the treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder. Kundalini Yoga is a mixture or combination of pranayama or breathing techniques with chanting of mantras. Prevention of repeated episodes of depression could also be helped by mindfulness based meditation or Vipasana. This meditation would help the patients to process emotional stimuli better and hence prevent biases within the processing of those stimuli.