One of the most crude approaches to save the body sound, generous and salubrious is yoga. The articulation “Yoga” has consistently involved a particular locus in antiquated length and even in the blessing situation. It’s far estimated to be one of the greatest revived strategies to keep up the casing invigorated and keep up immaculateness in the spirit. These days the entire world commends “World Yoga Day” on 21st June 2018. With the expanding fever of “Yoga” one of the most extreme respected famous persona “Dr. Subhash Chandra” thought of starting a “YO1 extravagance Nature cure”.

Dr. Subhash Chandra

Dr. Subhash Chandra one of the pioneer character in making the world a higher area to remain on. The New York nation meeting has respected him for this awesome advance toward humanity at the propitious “Yoga Day 21st June 2018”. YO1 rich Nature Care is one of the fantasy tasks of Dr. Subhash Chandra.

YO1 Luxury Nature Cure

The strict implication of YO1 is “Youvan” that signifies “adolescents” in traditional Sanskrit language. One of the most noteworthy strides toward wellness issues, improve versatility, increment solidness, advance weight decrease, and pass on back the energy. Alongside the above creativity, this association will get different achievements including work, healthy condition, etc. It is spread over a position of 1400 section of land all through which health revolve is around 200 section of land. It’s far foreseen to give a work to 1500 individuals.

World record in “yoga” at a glance

Two world records have been accomplished just before the First International Yoga Day. The greatest number of individuals 35,985 people had partaken in biggest yoga exhibition at a solitary setting for example Rajpath yoga occasion. The most scopes of nationalities at a solitary occasion , people of 84 nationalities achieved yoga at one area. The honors were acquired by Union AYUSH Ministry. Minister Shripad Yesso Naik from delegates of Guinness world statistics.