
An internship is a period of work experience offered by an organization for a limited period. Once confined to medical graduates, an internship is used practice for a wide range of placements in businesses, non-profit organizations and government agencies. They are typically undertaken by students and graduates looking to gain relevant skills and experience in a particular field. Employers benefit from these placements because they often recruit employees from their best interns, who have known capabilities, thus saving time and money in the long run. Internships are usually arranged by third-party organizations that recruit interns on behalf of industry groups. Rules vary from country to country about when interns should be regarded as employees. The system can be open to exploitation by unscrupulous employers

Some benefits of Internship for college students

1. Apply your theory

Internships offer students the chance to put what they are learning into action, in a real-world environment. This helps you better understand the theories and strategies you have been reading about, cementing the learning process and giving you greater focus.

2. Get a feel for the work environment

For students who are exploring their career options, internships are great! By joining a team, you will have a much better understanding of what it’s like working at a particular company and get a clearer idea of the industry itself.

This knowledge will help you in your job hunting in the future, giving you an better idea of the types of jobs you want – and perhaps more importantly – the types of job you don’t want.

3. Boost your confidence

Of course, taking on an internship helps you learn about the work environment, but it also helps you learn about yourself.

You will have a much clearer idea of your strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes. Most importantly, knowing that you have hands-on experience will give you far more confidence when it comes to job seeking and interviews.

4. Build networks

As Porter Gale wrote, “your network is your net worth” and internships offer students great networking opportunities. You’ll meet colleagues and team members, take part in meetings and get to know new people in a professional environment.

If you distinguish yourself during your internship, you can make life-long connections who can help you find positions, meet clients, or even make recommendations.

5. Improve your CV

Students who put themselves forward for an internship show that they are willing to take responsibility, work hard, want to learn, and are interested in getting experience. These are all qualities that hiring managers are interested in and this helps you differentiate yourself in a competitive jobs market.

No matter how successful you were in your internship, you can hold your head up high and explain what you learned and what responsibilities you had.

6. Getting a reference or letter of recommendation

When it comes to finding your first graduate position, references and recommendations can be the difference between an offer and a rejection.

Most managers will be happy to offer a reference or letter of recommendation after completing an internship with them, so when the times comes you will have a greater chance of getting the job you have always wanted.

(With some references

What does your taste in music reveal about you?

pink headphone isolates on blue background.

Music plays an important role in the lives of people all over the world, which is why many wonder what individual factors might influence musical preferences. Ever thought, Could the contents of your playlist, for example, reveal something about your personality?

Personality Traits Linked to Musical Styles

One large-scale study conducted by researchers at Heriot-Watt University looked at more than 36,000 participants from all over the world. Participants were asked to rate more than 104 different musical styles in addition to offering information about aspects of their personalities.

According to the researcher, Adrian North, the reason people sometimes feel defensive about their taste in music might be related to how much it relates to attitudes and personality. 

North suggests that people define themselves through music and use it to relate to other people. His research points to the connection that people often make between who they are as an individual and their musical tastes.

Keep in mind that these are the results published in only one study rather than being replicated and validated by a variety of researchers and different study designs. The following are some of the personality traits the study linked to certain musical styles.

Pop Music

Fans of the top 40 pop hits tend to be extroverted, honest, and conventional. While pop music lovers are hardworking and have high self-esteem, researchers suggest that they tend to be less creative and more uneasy.

Rap and Hip/Hop Music

Despite the stereotype that rap lovers are more aggressive or violent, researchers have found no such link. Rap fans do tend to have high self-esteem and are usually outgoing.

Country Music

Country music fans are typically hardworking, conventional, and outgoing. While country songs are often centered on heartbreak, people who gravitate towards this genre tend to be very emotionally stable. They also tend to be more conservative and rank lower on the trait of openness to experience.

Rock/Heavy Metal Music

Despite the sometimes aggressive image that rock and heavy metal music project, researchers found that fans of this style of music are usually quite gentle. They tend to be creative, but are often introverted and may suffer from low self-esteem.

Indie Music

Fans of the indie genre are typically introverted, intellectual, and creative. According to researchers, they also tend to be less hardworking and less gentle. Passivity, anxiousness, and low self-esteem are other common personality characteristics.

Dance Music

According to researchers, people who prefer dance music are usually outgoing and assertive. They also tend to rank high on the trait of openness to experience, one of the five major personality traits. People who prefer fast-paced electronic music also tend to rank low on gentleness.

Classical Music

Classical music lovers are typically more introverted but are also at ease with themselves and the world around them. They are creative and have a good sense of self-esteem.

Jazz, Blues, and Soul Music

People who enjoy jazz, blues, or soul music were found to be more extroverted with high self-esteem. They also tend to be very creative, intelligent, and at ease.

Story of Netflix

When Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph founded Netflix (formerly known as Kibble) in 1997, the company appeared to be little more than an upstart DVD rental business whose only real value proposition was the mail-order element of its operation. Fast forward two decades and Netflix has become one of the biggest TV and movie studios in the world, with more subscribers than all the cable TV channels in America combined. How did Netflix go from renting movies to making them in just 20 years?

By consistently doing the obvious.

For Netflix, however, doing the obvious rarely meant taking the easy way out. It meant making business decisions that were so difficult and so ambitious, few people could even see them, let alone understand them. Netflix has innovated in several key ways. They started with a frictionless DVD rental business facilitated by the internet, developed an entirely new streaming business from scratch, and finally invested in original content creation. But many of the most pivotal moves Netflix has made during the past 20 years haven’t been all that surprising. As we’ll see, it makes perfect sense that Netflix became a movie studio. It just didn’t look that way to most people in the beginning.

1997-2006: From Video Rentals by Mail to Smart Suggestions by Algorithm

To the casual observer, Netflix might look like one of the luckiest companies in the world.

For every major change or development in the home entertainment market, Netflix always seems to be just off-screen, waiting to capitalize on the latest consumer trend. Netflix has had its fair share of these kinds of opportunities, but good fortune had very little to do with the company’s early wins.

Netflix’s secret weapon wasn’t luck but rather a keen understanding of its market. Hastings and Randolph may have built their initial business around DVDs, but they knew they wouldn’t be in the DVD business forever—even if nobody else did.

Legend has it that Reed Hastings decided to start Netflix after returning a copy of Apollo 13 to his local Blockbuster. Upon returning to the movie, Hastings was told that he owed $40 in late fees. Fearing what his wife would say about such a steep late fee and convinced there must be a better way to rent movies, Hastings began to devise what would later become Netflix.

Although Randolph later disputed Hastings’ story about their company’s origins, Netflix did indeed set out to change the way we rented movies. In 1997, Blockbuster was the undisputed king of the home entertainment rental vertical, which made Netflix’s mail-order DVD rental business unique. As a result, when Netflix launched in ’97, many people understandably thought the business was focused exclusively on distribution—most people saw Netflix as nothing more than a more convenient way to rent movies.

Although this was a crucial element of Netflix’s early business, Hastings and Randolph never set out to be the best entertainment distribution company. They saw an opportunity to use the internet to decentralize entertainment and unbundle premium TV from the monopolistic grip of Big Cable, even if nobody else recognized their initial play for what it was. DVD rentals were never Netflix’s endgame – they were just a way for the new company to gain a tentative toehold in an intensely competitive market.

1997: Netflix launches with a video library of approximately 900 titles, with a 7-day maximum rental policy. By April 1999, Netflix’s video library expands to 3,100 titles. Rentals initially cost just 50 cents each. By January 2000, Netflix’s catalog reaches 5,200 titles.

Benefits of solo travel

These days, an increasing number of modern explorers are taking vacations by themselves. As the solo travel movement goes from strength to strength, we are highlighting some of the positive aspects of taking a trip on your own. Here is my look at the benefits of solo travel.

You can be completely selfish

This may be the only context in which selfishness isn’t a bad thing. Traveling with others means making plans with others. Checking out local landmarks, museums, restaurants, and attractions can be challenging when each traveler has something different in mind. But what if you could spend each day in any way you like? Fancy spending six hours in a single museum, or trekking for miles in chilly conditions? Go right ahead.

You meet interesting people

When you travel with others, you typically stick together. In other words, you’re less likely to wander away from your group. But traveling alone brings something truly valuable to the table – you’ll be more likely to chat with locals, meet new friends and generally be more sociable. 

You come to know yourself more intimately

These days, we’re constantly bombarded by stimulation – relentless connectivity to others, as well as the Internet. Rarely do we get the chance to sit with ourselves and simply be. Solo travel provides the opportunity to do just that. Being on your own in a new place serves as a permission slip to slow down, without the distractions you’d feel buzzing around you when traveling with companions. Being alone, and embracing it, is a wonderful part of solo travel.

You can rest without feeling guilty

Feeling wiped out from a long flight? Or from exploring a new city on foot? Let’s face it, there’s only so much running around you can do. But when you’re traveling with friends, the pressure to keep going can be intense. When traveling alone, on the other hand, you can head back to your room for a guilt-free mid-afternoon nap.

Traveling alone can provide the restful break you need. Photo: Darkydoors/Shutterstock

You step outside your comfort zone

When traveling with friends, you often troubleshoot travel hiccups together. Can’t find your way around? The solution usually comes by talking it over. Taking a trip on your means you have to get out of any tricky trip situations by yourself, which can help with problem-solving, dealing with pressure, and developing self-belief. 

You’re less likely to feel stressed out

When you’re out and about with your usual friends from home, it’s easy for old routines and group dynamics to creep up on you. Not so when you’re on your own. You’re there for you and you alone – the only drama you’re going to experience is the drama you make yourself.

You’ll have the time and inspiration to work on creative projects

Been dying to delve into a creative project? Whether it’s writing poetry, developing a new business plan, or playing the guitar, traveling alone provides the opportunity – and inspiration – to tap into these desires. When you’re untethered to the demands of others you’ll probably find it easier to nurture your creativity.

It might make you happier in the long term

Research suggests that getting into vacation mode has the potential to increase our happiness levels. And spending time alone has also been shown to stave off depression. The takeaway? Heading off on a solo adventure just might be good for your overall well-being.

Solo travel can help you develop new skills. Photo: Daxiao Productions/Shutterstock

You’ll probably improve your language skills

What better way to learn a new language than to throw yourself in headfirst? Full immersion in a foreign culture (and tongue) is possibly the best way to dismantle the language barrier. When traveling with others, you’re more likely to rely on them for help with translating. And, let’s face it, chances are high that you’ll communicate with one another in your native language. When you’re alone, on the other hand, you’re forced to constantly practice the new language.

(With reference from

Esports in India

Picture source :

Esports pertain to a sports competition through video games organized into the multiplayer setting. It has successfully taken over the Indian market because of the promotion and campaign on various online streaming platforms like YouTube. The esports industry is not new, but not many people are aware that it has been around for a decade already. It just so happen that it became popular in India just recently as more developers and investors showed interest in the Indian market. The most common esports genre in the Indian market today is the following: MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena)
RTS (Real-Time Strategy)
FPS (First Person Shooter)
Card games
Battle Royale

Esports in India India ranked 16 on the Forbes list, making it a multi-billion dollar industry. A decade ago, India’s online gaming sector is lame, with only 25 game developers. Today, there are over 250 game developers in the country. Some of the big names in the industry had already invested in India’s gaming sector, such as Tencent, Nazara, Paytm, and Alibaba. The revenue generated in sports mostly came from companies like Oppo and Asus. India has hosted some of the most significant tournaments in esports, such as PUBG Mobile Series 2019 and the Electronic Sports League, participated by Dota 2 players from different parts of the world.

Counter-Strike – It was first released in early 2012, and since then, it becomes the most popular and widely played esports in the country. Back then, India was not a hub for esports. Today, India is recognized internationally for esports, and counterstrike has a lot to do with it.

Dota 2 – It is the first esport that dominated the Indian market; a multiplayer online battle game played by two teams with each team consisting of five players.

Esports sector during pandemic: Online gaming is one of the reasons why India’s economy is still surviving despite the global pandemic. The number of online gamers using their smartphone has grown by 60% if you compare the data during pre-covid and lockdown. The high youth population and the affordability and accessibility of smartphones are the primary reasons why India’s online gaming sector is thriving. It has also paved the way for an online casino portal for Indian players. Another factor that paved the way to the growth of the online gaming market is the penetration of high-speed 4G internet.

Stakeholders’ role in India’s esports growth E-commerce platforms has a lot to do with the growth of esports in India. They make sure that the gaming enthusiasts will have access to the hardware and accessory they need for the game. Some of the notable e-commerce include Asus and Flipkart. Online gamers prefer to use gaming devices and tools with top-notch performance. Companies that produce such gaming paraphernalia ensure the demands are met while keeping in mind affordability and accessibility. Companies like Amazon and Flipkart ensure that gaming products are available and affordable.

Connectivity is a major contributor to the gaming industry’s growth. Telecommunication providers have been working 24/7 to provide the best data plans, keeping in mind high-speed data access and affordability. Data availability is made possible through Reliance Jo’s effort to set up thousands of mobile towers across the country, ensuring high-speed connection.

Written with REFERENCE from

Accounting Concept and Convention

Accounting is a business language, which is used to communicate financial information to the company’s stakeholders, regarding the performance, profitability and position of the enterprise and help them in rational decision making. The financial statement is based on various concepts and conventions. Accounting concepts are the fundamental accounting assumptions that act as a foundation for recording business transactions and preparation of final accounts

Definition of Accounting Concept

Accounting Concepts can be understood as the basic accounting assumption, which acts as a foundation for the preparation of the financial statement of an enterprise. Indeed, these form a basis for formulating the accounting principles, methods and procedures, to record and present the financial transactions of the business.

These concepts provide an integrated structure and rational approach to the accounting process. Every financial transaction that occurs is interpreted taking into consideration the accounting concepts, which guide the accounting methods.

  • Business Entity Concept: The concept assumes that the business enterprise is independent of its owners.
  • Money Measurement Concept: As per this concept, only those transactions which can be expressed in monetary terms are recorded in the books of accounts.
  • Cost concept: This concept holds that all the assets of the enterprise are recorded in the accounts at their purchase price
  • Going Concern Concept: The concept assumes that the business will have a perpetual succession, i.e. it will continue its operations for an indefinite period.
  • Dual Aspect Concept: It is the primary rule of accounting, which states that every transaction affects two accounts.
  • Realization Concept: As per this concept, revenue should be recorded by the firm only when it is realized.
  • Accrual Concept: The concept states that revenue is to be recognized when they become receivable, while expenses should be recognized when they become due for payment.
  • Periodicity Concept: The concept says that a financial statement should be prepared for every period, i.e. at the end of the financial year.
  • Matching Concept: The concept holds that, the revenue for the period, should match the expenses.

Definition of Accounting Convention

Accounting Conventions, as the name suggest are the practice adopted by an enterprise over a period of time, that rely on the general agreement between the accounting bodies and help in assisting the accountant at the time of preparation of financial statement of the company.

To improve the quality of financial information, the accountancy bodies of the world may modify or change any accounting convention. Given below are the basic accounting conventions:

  • Consistency: Financial statements can be compared only when the accounting policies are followed consistently by the firm over the period. However, changes can be made only in special circumstances.
  • Disclosure: This principle states that the financial statement should be prepared in such a way that it fairly discloses all the material information to the users, to help them in taking a rational decision.
  • Conservatism: This convention states that the firm should not anticipate incomes and gains, but provide for all expenses and losses.
  • Materiality: This concept is an exception to the full disclosure convention which states that only those items to be disclosed in the financial statement which has a significant economic effect.

The Impact of Ecommerce

The impact of e-commerce is far and wide with a ripple effect from small business to global enterprise.

  1. Large retailers are forced to sell online.

For many retailers, the growth of e-commerce has expanded their brands’ reach and positively impacted their bottom lines. But for retailers who have been slow to embrace the online marketplace, the impact has been different.

Retailers that fall into the middle ground are the ones feeling the biggest changes in response to the impact of e-commerce. 

 In February of 2019, online sales narrowly surpassed general merchandise stores for the first time, including department stores, warehouse clubs, and supercenters. Because Amazon Prime took away the price of shipping, more consumers are comfortable with online shopping.

  • Ecommerce helps small businesses sell directly to customers.

For many small businesses, e-commerce adoption has been a slow process. However, those who’ve embraced it have discovered e-commerce can open doors to new opportunities.

Slowly, small business owners are launching e-commerce stores and diversifying their offerings, reaching more customers, and better-accommodating customers who prefer online/mobile shopping. 

Pre-pandemic, small businesses were working to expand their e-commerce presence. Today, 23% of small business owners feel they’ll have to strengthen their e-commerce capabilities to survive in a post-pandemic world. Another 23% of small business owners have created a website or updated their existing one since COVID-19 lockdowns began.

2. B2B companies start offering B2C-like online ordering experiences.

B2B companies are working to improve their customer experiences online to catch up with B2C companies. This includes creating an omnichannel experience with multiple touchpoints and using data to create personalized relationships with customers.

Ecommerce solutions enable self-service, provide more user-friendly platforms for price comparison, and help B2B brands maintain relationships with buyers, too. 

 By 2026, B2B transactions are expected to reach $63,084 billion.

3. The rise of e-commerce marketplaces.

Ecommerce marketplaces have been on the rise around the world since the mid-1990s with the launch of giants we know today, such as Amazon, Alibaba, and others

4. Supply chain management has evolved.

Survey data shows that one of e-commerce’s main impacts on supply chain management is that it shortens product life cycles.

As a result, producers are presenting deeper and broader assortments as a buffer against price erosion. But, this also means that warehouses are seeing larger amounts of stock in and out of their facilities.

In response, some warehousers are now offering value-added services to help make e-commerce and retail operations more seamless and effective.

These services include:

  1. Separation of stock/storage for online vs. retail sales.
  2. Different packaging services.
  3. Inventory/logistics oversight.

5. New jobs are created but traditional retail jobs are reduced.

Jobs related to e-commerce are up 2x over the last five years, far outpacing other types of retail concerning growth. However, growth in e-commerce jobs is only a small piece of the overall employment puzzle.

A few quick facts on how e-commerce has impacted employment:

  • Ecommerce jobs are up 334%, adding 178,000 jobs since 2002.
  • Most e-commerce jobs are located in medium to large metropolitan areas.
  • Most e-commerce companies have four or fewer employees.

The flip side of this, however, is that upticks in efficiency paired with a shift away from traditional retail may lead to some job losses or reductions in workforces as well.

As with any major market shift, there are both positive and negative impacts on employment.

6. Customers shop differently.

Ecommerce (and now omnichannel retail) has had a major impact on customers. It is revolutionizing the way modern consumers shop.

Today, we know that 96% of Americans with access to the internet have made a purchase online at some point in their lives and 80% have made a purchase online in the past month.

And not only do customers frequently use eCommerce sites to shop: 51% of Americans now prefer to shop online rather than in-store. 

Millennials are the largest demographic of online shoppers (67%), but Gen X and baby boomers are close behind at 56% and 41% participating in online shopping activities respectively.

7. Social media lets consumers easily share products to buy online.

Researchers have discovered that e-commerce has made an interesting social impact, especially within the context of social media.

Today, e-commerce shoppers discover and are influenced to purchase products or services based on recommendations from friends, peers, and trusted sources (like influencers) on social networks like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

If you’ve ever been inspired to buy a product you saw recommended on Facebook or featured in an Instagram post, you’ve witnessed this social impact as it relates to e-commerce.

8. Global e-commerce is growing rapidly.

In 2018, an estimated 1.8 billion people worldwide made an online purchase.

Chinese platform, Taobao, is the biggest online marketplace with a gross market value (GMV) of $484 billion. For context, Tmall and Amazon ranked second and third with $458 and $339 billion GMV in annual third-party global market value respectively.

Video Editing as a Career in India

What is Video Editing?

The whole process of making art aesthetically appealing lies in the technique of editing visualsVideo editing covers the whole process of re-arrangement and modification of the video.

What is the job of a Video Editor ?

A video & film editor’s job is to take videotapes to produce a single refined piece of video. Today, video editors are considered to be the backbone of any post-production process. The key responsibility of a video editor is to edit any visual media form, like soundtracks, film, and videos for the cable and broadcast visual media industries. Gone are the days of Linear Editing (Tape to tape), today new technology is used to edit the media.

Non-linear editing or Digital Video Editing is the buzzword in today’s digital world. Digital video editing makes use of computer technology to facilitate the whole editing process onscreen. With the Indian cinema and entertainment industry crossing all geographical boundaries, a video editing career has surely emerged as a lucrative option to many Indian youngsters.

Film editing courses will help you understand the nuances of cutting and editing videos. This is done through hands-on, practical training.

Video Editing Eligibility Criteria

There is no formal educational qualification required to enter into this profession. All one needs is training in the computer systems and programs used in digital video/film editing and interest in editing visual media.

For doing specialized courses from reputed institutes like Film and Television Institute of India, Pune, candidates must possess the qualification prescribed by the respective institutes/ colleges. In general, Digital video editors often have a bachelor’s or a master’s degree in animation or media arts.

Video Editing Personal Skills

Being Imaginative and techno-savvy are essential for this profession. You simply cannot become a good video editor if you do not have a flair for the creative. You also need to have a sharp eye for detail, an analytical mind, and the ability to work in a team.

A video editing career requires being abreast with the latest technological developments happening in his/her profession as newer technologies are being introduced quite regularly.

Video Editing Job Prospects 

Besides media houses, large film studios, electronic news channel groups, one can also find wide-ranging opportunities in various production houses scattered all across the country.

The increased popularity of online video clips has also resulted in a large number of job opportunities for competent video editors.

Video Editing Salary 

Initially, one can earn a salary between Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 10,000 per month. With some years of experience and expertise gained in video editing, a video editor‘s career is on the smooth track with a high pay package and other benefits.

A creative and experienced video editor working for a large studio can earn a salary of anywhere between Rs. 25, 000 to Rs. 75,000 per month. One can also have the liberty to work as a freelance in a firm where he could be paid on an hourly basis.

Book review of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma


The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: A Fable About Fulfilling Your Dreams & Reaching Your Destiny, by Robin Sharma, is an interesting book — as the subtitle suggests, it’s a fable, and it will certainly make you give some thought to your life, your goals, your dreams and how your daily habits help you reach those dreams. In other words, right up the Zen Habits alley.

I can’t give this book my highest rating (see Conclusion for the rating) for several reasons I discuss below, but I did highly enjoy its discussion of several concepts. The author is a leadership expert and author, and he fills the book with a combination of life strategies. Many of these are useful, but whether they work in combination is the real question.

The Fable

The book takes the form of a fable about Julian Mantle, a high-profile attorney with a crazy schedule and a set of priorities that center around money, power, and prestige. As such, Mantle represents the values of our society. The story is told from the perspective of one of his associates, who admires Mantle’s great success and aspires to be like him.

But when Mantle has a heart attack, he drops out of the game and disappears. He sells all his possessions and goes to India to seek a more meaningful existence. When he comes back, he’s a changed man. It’s as if he’s a completely different person. He’s learned from some mythical Himalayan gurus who give him mystical and yet practical advice, which he shares with his former associate (and the reader).

The Concepts

The core of the book is the Seven Virtues of Enlightened Learning, which Mantle reveals one by one. Now, although the book presents them as actual Virtues learned from Himalayan gurus, it’s important to remember as you read that these are made up by the author — actually, he pulled them from other sources and put them together:

  1. master your mind
  2. follow your purpose
  3. practice kaizen
  4. live with discipline
  5. respect your time
  6. selflessly serve others
  7. embrace the present

Each of these Virtues is discussed in some detail in separate chapters, each of them with several concepts and habits to develop. Most of them are very inspiring and potentially very useful. After reading the book, I incorporated several of them into my life, including the ones that involve positive thinking, visualizing goals, and more. Again, these are not new concepts and have been discussed in many other books, but the book presents a great collection of useful concepts that you might want to try out.

The Problem

After reading the book, I began to outline each of the Seven Virtues, because I was confused about all the action steps the book recommends taking. The truth is, each of the Seven Virtues encompasses a bunch of daily habits, and incorporating all of them into your life would be cumbersome. And some of them seem to me to be conflicting.

As an example of a large number of habits in every virtue, here are the ones I have listed for the first virtue, Master your mind:

  • Habit: Find positive in every circumstance; don’t judge events as “good” or “bad”, but experience them, celebrate them, and learn from them.
  • Habit: The heart of the rose: find a silent place and a fresh rose. Stare at the heart of the rose, the inner petals, concentrating on the folds of the flower, the texture, etc … push away other thoughts that come to you. Start with 5 minutes a day, stretch it to 20. It will be your oasis of peace.
  • Habit: 10 minutes of reflection on your day, and how to improve your next day.
  • Habit: Opposition thinking – take every negative thought that comes into your mind and turn it into a positive one. First, be aware of your thoughts. Second, appreciate that as easily as negative thoughts enter, they can be replaced with positive ones. So think of the opposite of the negative ones. Instead of being gloomy, concentrate on being happy and energetic.
  • Habit: Secret of the lake. Take a few deep breaths and relax. Then envision your dreams becoming a reality. Picture vivid images of what you want to become. Then they will become reality.

And that’s just with the first virtue. Each one has several habits to develop, and they’re not listed out as I’ve done here. If you tried to incorporate all of the habits in the book, your day would be very busy indeed. Also, I would recommend only trying to adopt one at a time — more than that, and your habit change will be hard to sustain.


Although I can’t give The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari my highest rating, because of the problem listed above, I still enjoyed it a lot and was highly inspired by it.

I give this book a buy recommendation for anyone interested in incorporating routines and habits that can transform their lives, help them achieve their dreams, calm them and make them happier. Yes, it’s a jumble of too many ideas, but you can pick and choose, and the ideas contained within are potentially very powerful. Plus, it’s a fun and easy read.

The three-tier consumer grievances machinery under the consumer protection act

The three-tier consumer grievances machinery under the consumer protection act are :

  1. District Forum Each District Forum shall consist of a person who is or has been qualified as a District judge, as the President. There must be two other persons who are not less than thirty-five years of age and also possesses a degree from a recognized university. The persons must have adequate knowledge in the field of economics, commerce, industry, public affairs, and administration. The district forum must have the jurisdiction to entertain such complaints where the value of goods or services and the compensation, does not exceed Rs. twenty lakhs. The need for district forums for consumer redressal is that majority of the people who face any consumer rights violation are unable to file a complaint in a state or national forum because such have to look at matters concerning various other district forums which result in a large number of pending cases. District forums are also enabled with a faster way of dispensing consumer redressal as the number of claims is pretty less than that of State/National redressal forums which enables normal people to seek a solution for their problems.
  2. State Commission Each State Commission shall consist of a person who is or has been a judge of the High Court as its president. The Commission also consists of not less than two members, who are above thirty-five years of age and also possess a degree from a recognized university. The persons must have adequate knowledge in the field of economics, commerce, industry, public affairs, and administration. The Act also states that not less than fifty percent of the members shall be from amongst the persons having a judicial background. The State Commission has a jurisdiction to entertain cases where the value of goods or services or the compensation claimed, if any, exceeds the number of Rs. twenty lakhs but does not exceed Rs. one crore. It also entertains appeals against any District Forum within the state and also looks after any pending disputes or cases decided by any of the District forums in which the forums have exercised a jurisdiction not vested in them by the law, or has been exercised illegally or with any material irregularity.
  3. National Commission The National Commission shall consist of a person, who is or has been a judge of the Supreme Court, to be appointed by the Central Government, shall be the President, provided that no appointment shall be made except after the consultation with the Chief Justice of India. The commission shall consist of not less than four members of its executive committee who shall not be less than thirty-five years of age and must be graduates from a recognized university. They must also be specialized in the areas of commerce, economics, and administration. The jurisdiction of the commission shall extend to any case where the compensation amount might exceed Rs. one crore and the Commission shall also entertain appeals against State Commissions.

The Commission also has the power to check any pending disputes or cases decided by any of the State Commissions where the State Commission has exercised a jurisdiction not vested in it by law or it has been exercised illegally or with any material irregularity Power of redressal forums There are various powers for all of the redressal forums with regards to its jurisdiction.
Some of them include:

  1. Examining, enforcing as well as summoning the witness on oath;
  2. Discovering and producing any material evidence;
  3. Receiving evidence on affidavit;
  4. Requesting for the report or test analysis from the concerned authorities and laboratories;
  5. Issuing commission for examining the witness; 6. Enforcing any other powers prescribed by the Central or State Government Limitation period

Why anime culture is underrated in India?

Anime (Japanese: アニメ, IPA: ) is hand-drawn and computer animation originating from Japan. In Japan and Japanese, anime (a term derived from the English word animation) describes all animated works, regardless of style or origin. However, outside of Japan and in English, anime is colloquial for Japanese animation and refers specifically to animation produced in Japan. Animation produced outside of Japan with a similar style to Japanese animation is referred to as anime-influenced animation.

The two major reasons for anime culture to be underrated in India are: 

1. People think that anime is for children

This perception among people is because of the popularity of American cartoons such as Tom and Jerry, Powerpuff Girls, Dexter’s Lab, Ed, Edd, and Eddy, etc., all of which I, too, used to watch as a child. Since anime is created in a 2D animation medium, many assume that they are cartoons as well, which is ignorant of them. Just because a show is animated doesn’t mean that it is for kids. Sure, cartoons from the West are mostly for kids, but now there are Western animated shows as well that are made for adults. These include Rick and Morty, Big Mouth, Archer, F is for Family, Bojack Horseman, and so on.

Just like these shows, anime is made for late teenage and adult audiences. Some of these series are Attack on Titan, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Another, and so on. Anime also touches upon mature themes of racism, war, violence, friendships, depression, friendship, loss, bullying, and so on. And they do it in a better way, unlike in Bollywood, which mostly makes Pyaar waali kahaaniyaan. And to be honest, it’s hypocritical if you talk about how anime is for kids and then you make your kids watch Bollywood movies where women are being objectified in all item songs.

2. People think that anime and hentai are the same things

Yeah, this is a thing. Some people think that anime and hentai are the same just because they are made in Japan and have the same type of animation. Where anime is for all ages and covers all genres, hentai, on the other hand, is mostly anime with porn. It’s Japanese animated pornography mostly meant for adult demography.

Now, one of the most controversial sides of hentai is the sexual portrayal of underage characters, known as lolicon and shoutacon. Although the depiction of children is illegal in most of the world and India, it is protected by the Constitution under Article 39 and the POSCO Act. It is legal to portray both lolicon and shoutacon in Japan and they are widely used in adult manga and hentai. People think that both promote child abuse and child pornography, but a lot of people debunked that comment.

Now, one of the most controversial sides of hentai is the sexual portrayal of underage characters, known as lolicon and shoutacon. Although the depiction of children is illegal in most of the world and India, it is protected by the Constitution under Article 39 and the POSCO Act. It is legal to portray both lolicon and shoutacon in Japan and they are widely used in adult manga and hentai. People think that both promote child abuse and child pornography, but a lot of people debunked that comment.


With Windows 11, Microsoft has brought in several changes that promise to change just how you interact with your Windows-based machines. From the inclusion of improved multi-window multitasking to features that improve PC gaming, there’s a lot to be excited about here.

However, arguably the biggest change that’s come to Windows 11 is the fact that it comes with a new, simplified Start menu. This new Start menu comes with an updated Start button that is now positioned at the center of the taskbar, instead of being placed in a corner. This is a design change that makes navigating the operating system so much easier than before. 

This new Start Menu is built using Microsoft’s Fluent Design language and as such features rounded corners and big icons. The search bar in the Start Menu is now displayed across the top, which depending on how you use your operating system could be an interesting addition. 

Apart from this, Windows 11 also offers what Microsoft calls the Desktops to feature that gives the user the ability to set up and manage multiple iterations of your desktop. It’s a simple and easy feature to use, which when gotten used greatly improves ease of use. This can be accessed by going to this new icon that all Windows users of the past will instantly notice on their home screens. This Task View button sits alongside the Start button and looks like contrasting windows over one another. Hover your pointer over it, and you’ll see a small preview of all the desktops you have open, as well as the option to set up a new one

Should we upgrade to Windows 11?

 Well, eventually yes. 

 The operating system offers a ton of new features and visual upgrades that make it a better, and fresher offering than Windows 10. From the gaming-first features to the redesigned Start menu and Widgets apps, enough is being offered to help you decide to make the move. However, as we found out when running benchmarks on Windows 11, the new operating system, for now, is not without its issues. 

There appear to be bugs in the code that are holding back the performance of Windows 11 — even if it’s by a measly 2-3 percent. While that may not be too big a deal for some, in our opinion, it is something that should make us wait for a few weeks at least before moving to Windows 11 as Microsoft should be able to iron out these minor issues with software updates soon enough.

The performance of Windows 11 might be a little slower than windows 10 but initially, in time, this problem will be solved soon. And windows 11 will provide a very pleasing experience to all its users.

Ps: Microsoft is providing a free upgrade to Windows 11 for most of the windows 10 users. 

The requirements for installing windows 11 are

  • A “compatible” 1 GHz or faster dual-core 64-bit processor from Intel, AMD, or Qualcomm.
  • 4GB of RAM.
  • 64GB of storage.
  • UEFI Secure Boot supported and enabled.
  • A Trusted Platform Module (TPM), version 2.0.
  • A DirectX 12-compatible GPU with a WDDM 2.0 driver.

Can we choose Youtube as a career?

It lets you follow your passion

Unless you are working for National Geographic or Discovery, desk jobs are mundane. Not every graduate or educated professional ends up working for fun lifestyle channels. Not every show producers get the chance of producing interesting shows like Buffy the vampire slayer or Pushing daisies. Some projects never even find success, some scripts go straight to the dustbin.

Whether you are a writer, producer, entertainer, or director, Youtube gives you the choice of following your passion, unleashing your creativity. Got an idea? Just write a script, self-produced, and broadcast.

Youtube career is not just about a steady paycheck. It’s about finding your audience, getting them to resonate with you while you follow your passion. It lets you connect with strangers with shared passions and drives from all over the world.

No degrees needed, no minimum age

Want to make videos for Youtube? Just get your phone out and start shooting. Want them to look a bit more professional? Get a DSLR and some other YouTube Equipment. You don’t need a lifetime of debt and a snobbish college degree to get a Youtube career. Talent alone is enough. If you know what resonates with your audience, you can start creating video content for your Youtube channel, strategize your posts and start connecting with your audience.

The idea is that if you are starting a Youtube Channel, you are your boss.

No need for a physical office

 You can start it anywhere, anytime without any specific capital or partners. You can start it from your bedroom or your kitchen with just some decent video shooting stuff and interesting scripts.

You don’t have to invite your crew to an office every Monday-Friday and work from your home or even when you are on vacation. You may expand later and set up a physical office but if you want to take a slow, no need to go for the big decision. Just work from home!

No Pressure

Youtube is sure competitive and it’s hard to make your mark but all you need is conviction and understanding. You need to understand your audience, learn what they search and what topics are most revered. And, there is no pressure. You don’t have to worry about medical leaves or too much paperwork. You don’t need to write case studies on weekends or study top business blogs every Monday morning. Just get started with your scripts and work them whenever you like. As long as you have powerful content that moves your audience, you won’t face any pressure.

The cost of producing fine content

It’s good to have a million-dollar idea but you need funding to propel it forward. Producing Video content on iPhone or Android phones is great and DIY but if you are aiming for the stars, you need decent gear. Gear alone could cost you a fortune. A studio setup is usually owned by big channels who invest once, upgrade frequently and reap ROI with regular results through consistent series and shows. If you are keen on producing top-quality content, you need costly gear. Hiring talent for your videos may cost you money too.


Youtube has millions of makeup tutorials, all of which use high-end, luxury makeup products. Not many video channels have the capital to invest in the materials needed like makeup or phone for phone review channels. Establishing yourself to qualify for free samples initially may give channels a tough time.

It takes time

Viral videos are otherworldly. It’s hard to tell if the viral factor is wholly organic in cases of viral videos. Perhaps forces of SEO and other tactics are at work there. But the idea is that it’s hard to get your Youtube channel some takes with organic content.

Even if your content is focused on trends, it’s hard to find an audience altogether. 300 hours of videos are uploaded to Youtube every minute. Just imagine the choice YouTubers have! So, it’s really hard to be among the 5 billion videos that are watched every day on YouTube. Cultivating an organic audience of hundreds of thousands of viewers may take time.

Ideas get copied

Starting a Youtube Channel is easy. What if your idea gets copied and the copied video finds the momentum that you couldn’t? A lot of brands pursue plagiarism cases aggressively but small-time channel owners aren’t able to keep track of the new content so there’s no way of finding out if the idea got copied unless it blew up.


Youtube is another coin with two sides and the choice depends on you if you are prepared for the hard work or would like a steady paycheck.

It sure takes money to make impressive videos with high quality and there is no shortage of haters and trolls. But you do need conviction and vision. Are you sure you possess the talent that will make viewers stop and stare? How much faith do you have in your content? Will it set a bar, up the standards, and challenge the mainstream and traditional video content? Do you enjoy working late nights, not having a regular paycheck, shooting and editing videos frequently, developing scripts, coordinating with entertainers, broadcasting cutting-edge content? If yes, Youtube is for you.

Your Name (Kimi no Na wa)

In 2013, Mitsuha Miyamizu is a high school girl living in the rural town of Itomori, Japan. Bored of the town, she wishes to be a Tokyo boy in her next life. One day, she inexplicably begins to switch bodies intermittently with Taki Tachibana, a high school boy in Tokyo, who wakes up as her and has to live through her activities and social interactions for the day. They learn that they can communicate with each other by leaving messages on paper, phones, and sometimes on each other’s skin. Mitsuha (in Taki’s body) sets Taki up on a date with coworker Miki Okudera, while Taki (in Mitsuha’s body) causes Mitsuha to become popular at school. One day, Taki (in Mitsuha’s body) accompanies Mitsuha’s grandmother Hitoha and younger sister Yotsuha to leave the ritual alcohol kuchikamizake, made by the sisters, as an offering at the Shinto shrine located on a mountaintop outside the town. It is believed to represent the body of the village guardian god ruling over human connections and time. Taki reads a note from Mitsuha about the comet Tiamat, expected to pass nearest to Earth on the day of the autumn festival. The next day, Taki wakes up in his body and goes on a date with Miki, who tells him she enjoyed the date but also that she can tell that he is preoccupied with thoughts of someone else. Taki attempts to call Mitsuha on the phone, but cannot reach her as the body-switching ends.

Taki, Miki, and their friend Tsukasa travel to Gifu by train on a trip to Hida in search of Mitsuha, though Taki does not know the name of Itomori, relying on his sketches of the surrounding landscape from memory. A restaurant owner in Hida recognizes the town in the sketch, being originally from there. He takes Taki and his friends to the ruins of Itomori, which has been destroyed and where 500 residents were killed when Tiamat unexpectedly fragmented as it passed by Earth three years earlier. Taki observes Mitsuha’s messages disappear from his phone and his memories of her begin to gradually fade, realizing that the two were also separated by time, as he is in 2016. Taki finds Mitsuha’s name in the record of fatalities. While Miki and Tsukasa return to Tokyo, Taki journeys to the shrine, hoping to reconnect with Mitsuha and warn her about Tiamat. There, Taki drinks Mitsuha’s kuchikamizake then lapses into a vision, where he glimpses Mitsuha’s past. He also recalls that he encountered Mitsuha on a train when she came to Tokyo the day before the event to find him, though Taki did not recognize her as the body-switching was yet to occur in his timeframe. Before leaving the train in embarrassment, Mitsuha had handed him her hair ribbon, which he has since worn on his wrist as a good-luck charm.

Taki wakes up in Mitsuha’s body at her house on the morning of the festival. Hitoha deduces what has happened and tells him the body-switching ability has passed down in her family as caretakers of the shrine. Taki convinces Tessie and Sayaka, two of Mitsuha’s friends, to get the townspeople to evacuate Itomori, by disabling the electrical substation and broadcasting a false emergency alert. Taki heads to the shrine, realizing that Mitsuha must be in his body there, while Mitsuha wakes up in Taki’s body. At the mountaintop during sunset, the two sense each other’s presence, but are separated due to contrasting timeframes and cannot see each other. When twilight falls, they return to their bodies and see each other in person. After Taki returns Mitsuha’s ribbon, they attempt to write their names on each other’s palms so that they will remember each other. Before Mitsuha can write hers, however, twilight passes, and they revert to their respective timeframes. When the evacuation plan fails, Mitsuha has to convince her father Toshiki, the mayor of Itomori, to evacuate everyone. Before doing so, Mitsuha notices her memories of Taki are fading away and discovers he wrote “I love you” on her hand instead of his name. After Tiamat crashes, Taki, in his timeframe, remembers nothing.

Five years later, Taki has graduated from university and searches for a job. He senses that he lost something important that he cannot identify, and feels inexplicable interest in the events surrounding Tiamat, now eight years in the past. The town of Itomori had been destroyed; however, all of its people survived as they had evacuated just in time. Mitsuha has since moved to Tokyo. Sometime later, Taki and Mitsuha glimpse each other when their respective trains pass each other and are instantly drawn to seek one another. Each disembarks and races to find the other, finally meeting at the stairs of Suga Shrine. Taki calls out to Mitsuha, saying that he feels that he knows her, and she responds likewise. Having finally found what each had long searched for, they shed tears of happiness and simultaneously ask each other for their name.

Review : Hyperspace

Book by Michio Kaku

The appeal of science fiction comes from the fact that it explores new territory, new concepts that challenge the mind. The great thing about sci-fi, however, is that often there is some scientific basis behind the story. Carl Sagan, one of the greatest sci-fi writers of all time often consulted his physicist friends for ideas. After a satisfying novel or movie, you may even be compelled to learn more about a subject or see if there is any truth to it. I’m not saying that shows like Star Trek spawn generations of eager theoretical physicists, but for those of you who are curious about what is going on at the forefront of theoretical physics, I found a book that might interest you.

     I stumbled upon this book by accident while shuffling through a local Borders trying to find a way to blow my gift certificates. The cover immediately caught my eye. At first, I thought it was a misplaced novel, or a feeble attempt to make the meager physics section look bigger, but the book’s introduction told me otherwise.

     Michio Kaku is a theoretical physics professor, who graduated from Harvard and received his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. He also has written several books and hosts a weekly science program on the radio.

     Hyperspace covers many of the current theories about the start of the universe, where it may end, and what we are learning about it in the meantime to come up with the grand unified theory for all of physics. If you are looking for someone to explain the basics of superstring theory to you in layman’s terms, this is a great place to start. The primary idea running through the entire book is the idea that the four fundamental forces can be explained with one grand unified theory of the universe is thought of as ten-dimensional.

     While I consider Hyperspace a great read and would recommend it to any physics student who is curious about black holes, time travel, and other fringe concepts, there were some aspects of the book that seemed relatively weak. Some points were repetitive, and in the beginning, I thought his thesis was stated a few too many times. Professor Kaku is decidedly biased towards superstring theory, but he at least offers explanations of the competing theories. Perhaps to engage a variety of people and thinking styles, Kaku includes many literary quotes. Some of them are entertaining introductions to a passage, but others I found vague.

     Professor Kaku makes extensive use of footnotes, so if you want the full story, be prepared to flip occasionally to the end of the book. I found this distracting, but perhaps it is necessary. Chapters were divided into a logical progression that I liked very much. Digressions were very helpful in adding character to the narrative, my favorite being the discussion of futurology, and the four classifications of a technologically advanced society.

     I’ll admit, some of the information flew right over my head, so to speak, but at least I can say that I heard of something if it comes up in a college lecture. While written for the average Joe, there are plenty of concepts and footnote equations for the hard-core physicist to chew on. If you think the beginning is slow, keep going because it gets better. If you loved the beginning, hang on for a ride through exciting theories that until now you may have only seen on television. Don’t worry, Kaku makes plenty of references to other books and authors, should you choose to go back to the bookstore.

What is the Difference Between Gaming Laptops And Normal Laptops?

Picture source : Pinterest

Ever wondered what specialties distinguish a gaming laptop from a normal laptop?

Well, there are a lot of factors that act their part to make a Gaming laptop significantly better than Normal laptops. Let’s discuss what they are.

Graphics Card or GPU:

What is gaming without vivid real-life graphics? The additional dedicated Graphics card or a Graphics Processing Unit in Gaming Laptop allows your high-definition games to run more smoothly and provide improved performance. Many manufacturing companies are adding GPU in the laptops for high functionality which can be helpful even in your official works.

The advanced Graphics video cards allow better realistic landscapes and actions. Graphics cards are available in 512 MB, 1 GB, and 2 GB. A higher capacity GPU will enable you to have an unprecedented gaming experience and also allow 3D gaming.


RAM is another important feature that makes gaming laptops have an edge over normal laptops. The capacity, as well as the speed of RAM, determines how fast and smooth would your machine run. Unlike normal laptops, most Gaming laptops have dedicated VRAM for video memory. Usually, normal laptops have 2 GB RAM, whereas Gaming laptops support 4 GB or more capacity RAM.


The Processor too plays an important role when comparing a gaming laptop and a normal laptop.

Gaming laptops are powered by high-velocity processors which enable functioning to be swift and need minimum buffering. You would appreciate the sudden freezing of your screen in the middle of a tournament. The normal laptops do not have these high-performing processors but have comparatively slow-running quad-core processors. So while opting for gaming laptops, nothing beneath the GHz range must be considered.

Screen Size and Display

While playing HD or 3D video games, screen size and display become important factors. Gaming laptops have a wider aspect ratio which can give you a more vivid gaming experience as it will fit the display more accurately.

Viewing angle too is important in laptops as it will give you wider coverage of the field of view. You will be able to see the display from almost every angle.

Battery Life

While discussing the difference between a normal laptop and a gaming laptop, battery life is a vital point to consider.

High definition video games will consume high powers and certainly, you would not want to drain your battery when you are at a crucial point in your game. It’s frustrating, right?

That is why you need a higher and more powerful battery in your laptop. Normal laptops generally have a battery life of 5 to 6 hours once fully charged. But gaming laptops with stellar batteries can provide you with a run time of 12 to 13 hours at one charge. With this improved battery life, you wouldn’t be fearing running out of battery ever again.


As most of the video games available are played online, you should always prefer a laptop with a Wifi connection. With that, you would be able to connect to the Internet at public hotspots and communicate with your fellow players online. It is an important feature even for business and other official purposes, but often normal laptops skip this feature. Replacing your normal laptop with the gaming one will allow you to work online uninterruptedly via a Wifi connection.

Bluetooth connectivity is a major characteristic to look for in a laptop. Gaming laptops usually support Bluetooth connectivity and allow easy sharing of your data. Also, Bluetooth helps in connecting with new-age Bluetooth-compatible speakers and headphones with your laptop to give you a better audio experience.


Another point is the difference between gaming and normal laptop is their keyboard.

Normal laptops tend to have a keyboard for light uses. It has inferior durability to mechanical keyboards of Gaming PC. But the specially designed gaming laptops are equipped with mechanical-type keyboards which offer increased tolerance to your excitement-filled hits.


Nobody will deny that illumination can elevate the gaming experience to the ultimate level. Normal laptops usually don’t offer any LED illumination or backlighting feature. Whereas, gaming laptops often feature stunning customizable RGB LED lighting that would give your gameplay a more lifelike feel.

Input-Output Interface

USB and HDMI ports are useful on any laptop. Gaming laptops usually offer multiple jacks for connecting external devices than the normal ones.

Internal Cooling

Long hours of uninterrupted working often leads to overheating of laptops. Gaming laptops generally come equipped with extra internal cooling fans and improved wiring for better heat dissipation than normal laptops.


We hope this concise article has provided all the required information you needed to know about the difference between a gaming laptop and a normal laptop.

Though gaming laptops are a tad bit more expensive than the normal ones, they are definitely worth the money. With improved speed, higher quality parts, and longer battery life, gaming laptops can be a great replacement for regular ones.

Although regular laptops usually have all the necessary features, it would never hurt to upgrade them for better performance.

Myths about Covid19

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Most people infected with the virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. However, some will become seriously ill and require medical attention. Older people and those with underlying medical conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, or cancer are more likely to develop serious illnesses. Anyone can get sick with COVID-19 and become seriously ill or die at any age.

Myths about Covid19

  • Can Covid-19 be transmitted through goods produced in countries where there is ongoing transmission?

Although it can last on surfaces for many hours, the environment, transportation, and varying temperatures during shipment make it difficult for the virus to remain active. If you feel the surface may be contaminated, clean it with a disinfectant and wash your hands after touching it.

  • Can Covid-19 be transmitted through mosquitoes?

There is no evidence that the novel coronavirus can be transmitted through mosquitoes. The virus can be spread through droplets from coughing, sneezing or a patient’s saliva.

  • How can we be sure that our clothes don’t spread coronavirus 2019?

Besides showering every day, you should wash your clothes using detergent or soap in 60-90 ํC water or add bleach. Dry the clothes in a high-temperature dryer or the sun.

  • Can drinking alcohol help prevent Covid-19?

Drinking alcohol, such as beer, liquor, wine doesn’t help prevent coronavirus. You should wash your hands often, wear masks, and avoid being close to those with a fever and cough.

  • Is it true that Covid-19 is transmitted in a cold climate and not in a hot and humid climate?

Coronavirus 2019 can be transmitted in any kind of climate. Wherever you are, no matter what kind of climate, you have to practice personal hygiene, i.e. wash your hands often, cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough, and wear masks.

  • Can digital thermometers be 100% effective in detecting Covid-19 patients?

It may take the virus 1-14 days to incubate and cause symptoms like fever, so it cannot be used to identify asymptomatic patients.

  • Can UV bulbs use for disinfecting be used to kill Covid-19 on our body?

Don’t use UV bulbs on your hands or any part of the body because UV light can irritate your skin.

  • Can spraying alcohol or chlorine on your body kill the virus inside?

Besides not being able to kill the virus inside your body, it could damage clothes and other tissues like eyes and lips.

  • Can eating garlic prevent covid-19?

Though garlic has some anti-microbial properties, there is no evidence that it can prevent Covid-19.

  • Can Pneumonia vaccine prevent Covid-19?

This virus is new and different from other strains. We need a vaccine that is developed specifically. The research team is working on this through the support of the WHO.

  • Can rinsing your nose regularly with saline solution prevent Covid-19?

Evidence has indicated that rinsing your nose with saline solution can help us recover faster from the common cold, but cannot prevent infectious respiratory diseases or Covid-19.

  • Is there any drug that can prevent and treat Covid-19?

At present, no drug can prevent and treat the disease. Patients should receive proper and supportive care to alleviate the symptoms. WHO is accelerating research with all the partners to actively study the treatment for the disease.

References: WHO(World Health Organisation) 

 Review on: One Arranged Murder by Chetan Bhagat

Who can read?

Just like most of his books, “One Arranged Murder” is written for the masses. Because the language is so simple and flowy, the book can be easily picked up by a non-reader or a beginner-level reader in English.

Let’s talk about the storyline

Keshav and Saurabh are best friends, colleagues, flatmates, and business partners at a detective agency they started. They are the same guys whom we see in the book, “The Girl in Room 105”. But Keshav and Saurabh are not talking, and the reason is Keshav’s habit of fat-shaming Saurabh’s fiancé, Prerna. Prerna is on the heavier side, and Keshav always finds some reason to take a jab at her weight.

Prerna and Saurabh, on the other hand, are a cheesy and romantic couple. There is probably more love between them than any arranged marriage couple. On Karva Chauth, Prerna decides to fast for Saurabh. She doesn’t eat and drink all day, and in the evening, gets all decked up, waiting for Saurabh to come and help break her fast. Saurabh is supposed to enter from the back gate and meet her on the terrace of her three-story house, but when he finally reaches there, what he sees shocks the life out of him.

This is the story of “One Arranged Murder”; the story of one arranged marriage that eventually becomes one arranged murder.

What to expect?

Expect the same things that you would expect from a regular Chetan Bhagat novel. It does not matter which category of readers you belong to, beginners or regulars, you would mostly be getting the same things out of this novel. Yes, there is a marginal improvement from his previous works, but the word that I would like to stress upon is marginal.

What about the writing style?

The book has all the ingredients of a classic masala drama. It has romance, comedy, murder, action, adventure, family drama, friendships, and light-hearted banter. It has a big Indian joint family that looks picture perfect from the outside, but on the inside, it is brimming with secrets and scheming members. People have corrupt intentions, dirty secrets, personal vendettas, and generations-old grudges.

How good is the pace?

Racy and fast-paced, the book can captivate the reader from the very beginning. For many books, what doesn’t happen till, well, 30% of the book, happens at just 30 pages here. I remember getting sucked into the story and its mystery by the end of the 30th page.

What did I like?

I like the way Chetan experiments with the narration. Throughout the book, it is mostly Keshav who narrates the story, but at times, some characters (like Sourabh and Anjali) tell their own story in some parts. They tell their tales from their point of view and perspectives.

Experimenting with the concept of an unreliable narrator in the first two chapters is also something that I loved. I just hoped Chetan had used it on a bigger scale. The ingenuity of this switch, especially in the beginning, is truly remarkable. In the first chapter, Keshav narrates and makes you form an opinion of Saurabh Then in 2nd chapter, Saurabh assumes the role of narrator, and tells you that he is sure Keshav must have already brainwashed you, he must have told you things, and you must have believed him. This makes the reader have trust issues with the main narrator – the reader is confused as to whose story must be trusted– Keshav’s or Saurabh’s?

The book also provides a running social commentary about things that are wrong with society. Some of the things that the author talks about are – 

(1) Big fat Indian weddings, where people spend lavishly, only to show off, even when the money is tight .

(2) How people cringe at the word dowry, but the same people say ‘sometimes it is not dowry, it is love, isn’t it?’

(3) People holding on to family honor, even when it comes at the cost of justice and 

(4) The tendencies of businesses to work unethically, when they overborrow, speculate, and siphon funds that do not belong to them.

First person shooter games

Source :

First-person shooters are a type of shooter game that relies on a first-person point of view with which the player experiences the action through the eyes of the character. They differ from third-person shooters in that, in a third-person shooter, the player can see the character they are controlling (usually from behind, or above). The primary design focus is combat, mainly involving firearms or other types of long-range weapons. A defining feature of the genre is “player-guided navigation through a three-dimensional space.” This is a defining characteristic that clearly distinguishes the genre from other types of shooting games that employ a first-person perspective, including light gun shooters, rail shooters, shooting gallery games, or older shooting electro-mechanical games. The First-person shooter games are thus categorized as being distinct from light gun shooters, a similar genre with a first-person perspective that uses dedicated light gun peripherals, in contrast to the use of conventional input devices. Light-gun shooters (like Virtua Cop) often feature “on-rails” (scripted) movement, whereas first-person shooters give the player complete freedom to roam the surroundings.

The first-person shooter may be considered a distinct genre itself, or a type of shooter game, in turn, a subgenre of the wider action game genre. Following the release of Doom in 1993, games in this style were commonly referred to as “Doom clones“; over time this term has largely been replaced by “first-person shooter”. Wolfenstein 3D, released in 1992, the year before Doom, has been often credited with introducing the genre, but critics have since identified similar, though less advanced, games developed as far back as 1973. There are occasional disagreements regarding the specific design elements which constitute a first-person shooter. For example, titles like Deus Ex or BioShock may be considered as first-person shooters, but may also fit into the role-playing games category, as they borrow extensively from that genre. Other examples, like Far Cry and Rage, could also be considered adventure games, because they focus more on exploration than simple action, they task players with multiple different objectives other than just killing enemies, and they often revolve around the construction of complex cinematic storylines with a well-defined cast of secondary characters to interact with. Furthermore, certain puzzle or platforming games get also called first-person shooters, despite lacking any direct combat or shooting element, instead of using a first-person perspective to help players immerse within the game and better navigate 3D environments (for example, in the case of Portal, the ‘gun’ the player character carries is used to create portals through walls rather than fire projectiles). Some commentators also extend the definition to include combat flight simulators and space battle games, whenever the cockpit of the aircraft is depicted from a first-person point of view.

The top FPS games in 2021 are 

  • Counterstrike Global offensive (CSgo)
  • Valorant
  • Call of Duty Warzone (COD)
  • Apex Legends
  • Overwatch
  • Destiny 2
  • PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG)
  • Left 4 Dead 2
  • Battlefield V
  • Half-Life 2.
  • Rainbow Six Siege.
  • Escape from Tarkov
  • Metro Exodus
  • Titan Fall 2
  • Halo Infinite

A Comparative study of the IOS Vs Android OS of the Mobile Platform – Of the Latest Versions

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The android operating system is a mobile operating system that was
developed by Google(GOOGLE)to be primarily used for touch screen
devices, cellphones, and tablets. Its design lets users manipulate the
mobile devices intuitively, with finger movements that mirror common
motions, such as pinching, swiping, and tapping. Google also employs
Android software in televisions, cars, and wristwatches–each of which
is fitted with a unique user interface.


OS responds to the user’s touch–allowing you touch the screen to
open a program, pinch your fingers together to minimize or enlarge
image, or swipe your finger across the screen to change pages.
It comes with the Safari web browser for internet use and iPod
application for playing music and Apple’s Mail for managing your emails.
Apple products have a very strong brand following, they tend to be the
most expensive but are also well-engineered. They do have drawbacks
however, they do not support a type of software called Flash which lots
of internet sites use to show video and you are locked into the Apple
Brand because the operating system only works on Apple products.


In this world, where technology is growing at a very rapid speed. Almost every person right now is having a smartphone in their hands. Talking more about smartphones, we know that there are two biggest competitors in the OS (Operating System) market, mainly Android and IOS. Androids are widely used on phones and tablets, and even on televisions allowing users to be free in their choice. The iOS system, on the contrary, is limited to Apple devices, having no customization. The range of iOS devices is more premium-class iPhones, which is not affordable for everybody. Androids are compatible with any gadget of the price spectrum which makes them more liked among common people. Firstly, both operating systems have a lot in common: the zoom movements, tapping, swiping, a lock screen, similar to the PC’s desktop. That is why switching from one to another makes no problems, except that the iOS system has the most used icons on the home screen, while Androids allow users to set widgets, email, weather, etc. Secondly, software gets outdated every second, so it needs to be renewed regularly. The best results in updating security patches, for instance, belong to the iOS system. Around 90% of Apple devices are powered by the latest software versions whereas only high-end Android devices have the latest software. Both mobile operating systems have decent records and safeguards when it comes to security, but Android, being more open, has more vectors for malware to enter your phone. In particular, apps are more prone to bring trouble in Android, especially if you install from an alternative app store. Whereas in IOS it is not possible to install any apps outside of the Appstore. In the end, we can conclude that IOS is Better than Android in security, software, and privacy aspects. And android is better than IOS in customization and price aspects.

The Railways

Rail transport (also known as train transport) is a means of transferring passengers and goods on wheeled vehicles running on rails, which are located on tracks. In contrast to road transport, where the vehicles run on a prepared flat surface, rail vehicles (rolling stock) are directionally guided by the tracks on which they run. Tracks usually consist of steel rails, installed on sleepers (ties) set in ballast, on which the rolling stock, usually fitted with metal wheels, moves. Other variations are also possible, such as “slab track”, in which the rails are fastened to a concrete foundation resting on a prepared subsurface.

Rolling stock in a rail transport system generally encounters lower frictional resistance than rubber-tired road vehicles, so passenger and freight cars (carriages and wagons) can be coupled into longer trains. The operation is carried out by a railway company, providing transport between train stations or freight customer facilities. Power is provided by locomotives that either draw electric power from a railway electrification system or produce their power, usually by diesel engines or, historically, steam engines. Most tracks are accompanied by a signaling system. Railways are a safe land transport system when compared to other forms of transport. Railway transport is capable of high levels of passenger and cargo utilization and energy efficiency but is often less flexible and more capital-intensive than road transport when lower traffic levels are considered.

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Indian Railways

Indian Railways (IR) is a statutory body under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Railways, Government of India that operates India’s national railway system. It manages the fourth-largest railway network in the world by size, with a route length of 67,956 km (42,226 mi) as of 31 March 2020. 45,881 km (28,509 mi) or 71% of all the broad-gauge routes are electrified with 25 kV 50 Hz AC electric traction as of 1 April 2021.

In the fiscal year ending March 2020, Indian Railways carried 808.6 crores (8.086 billion) passengers and transported 121.23 crores (1.2123 billion) tonnes of freight. It runs 1 lakh (100,000) passenger trains daily, on both long-distance and suburban routes, covering 7,325 stations across India. Mail or Express trains, the most common types of trains, run at an average speed of 50.6 km/h (31.4 mph). Suburban EMUs run at an average speed of 37.5 km/h (23.3 mph). Ordinary passenger trains (incl. mixed) run at an average speed of 33.5 km/h (20.8 mph). The maximum speed of passenger trains varies, with the Gatimaan Express running at a peak speed of 160 km/h (99 mph).

In the freight segment, IR runs 8,479 trains daily. The average speed of freight trains is around 24 km/h (15 mph). The maximum speed of freight trains varies from 60–75 km/h (37–47 mph) depending on their axle load with ‘container special’ trains running at a peak speed of 100 km/h (62 mph).

The first railway proposals for India were made in Madras in 1832.

  • The country’s first transport train, Red Hill Railway (built by Arthur Cotton to transport granite for road-building), ran from Red Hills to the Chintadripet bridge in Madras in 1837. In 1845, the Godavari Dam Construction Railway was built by Cotton at Dowleswaram in Rajahmundry, to supply stone for the construction of a dam over the Godavari River. In 1851, the Solani Aqueduct Railway was built by Proby Cautley in Roorkee to transport construction materials for an aqueduct over the Solani River.
  • India’s first passenger train, operated by the Great Indian Peninsula Railway and hauled by three steam locomotives (SahibSindh, and Sultan), ran for 34 kilometers (21 mi) with 400 people in 14 carriages on 1,676 mm (5 ft 6 in) broad gauge track between Bori Bunder (Mumbai) and Thane on 16 April 1853. The Thane viaducts, India’s first railway bridges, were built over the Thane creek when the Mumbai-Thane line was extended to Kalyan in May 1854. Eastern India’s first passenger train ran 39 km (24 mi) from Howrah, near Kolkata, to Hoogly on 15 August 1854. The first passenger train in South India ran 97 km (60 mi) from Royapuram-Veyasarapady (Madras) to Wallajabad (Arcot) on 1 July 1856.


Wards Lake

Shillong is a hill station in the northeastern part of India and the capital of Meghalaya, which means “The Abode of Clouds”. It is the headquarters of the East Khasi Hills district. Shillong is the 330th most populous city in India with a population of 143,229 according to the 2011 census. It is said that the rolling hills around the town reminded the British of Scotland. Hence, they would also refer to it as the “Scotland of the East”.

Shillong has steadily grown in size since it was made the civil station of the Khasi and Jaintia Hills in 1864 by the British. In 1874, on the formation of Assam as the Chief Commissioner’s Province, it was chosen as the headquarters of the new administration because of its convenient location between the Brahmaputra and Surma valleys and more so because the climate of Shillong was much cooler than tropical India. Shillong remained the capital of undivided Assam until the creation of the new state of Meghalaya on 21 January 1972, when Shillong became the capital of Meghalaya, and Assam moved its capital to Dispur in Guwahati.

Shillong was capital for composite Assam during the British regime and later till a separate State of Meghalaya was formed. David Scott, the British civil servant of the East India Company, was the Agent of the Governor-General North East Frontier. During the First Anglo-Burmese War the British authorities felt the need for a road to connect Sylhet and Assam. The route was to traverse across the Khasi and Jaintia Hills. David Scott overcame the difficulties his administration faced from the opposition of the Khasi Syiems – their chiefs and people. Impressed by the favourable cool climate of Khasi Hills, they negotiated with the Syiem of Sohra in 1829 for a sanatorium for the British. 

Places to visit


At a distance of 10 km from the city and at a height of 6449 ft (1965 m) above sea level, this is the highest point of Shillong. It offers a breathtaking panoramic view of the entire city, the Himalayas, its waterfalls as well as of the Bangladesh plains. A beautiful place to spend a day.


A very popular tourist spot in Shillong, the park is dedicated to the first lady of the province – Lady Hydari. This sprawling park, located in the heart of the city encompasses a wide variety of flora along with a mini zoo housing 73 species of birds and over 100 reptiles. The beautiful bed of flowers is the highlight of the park.


Just before reaching Sohra, a road to the right leads one to the falls which are 5 km away. The waterfall derives its name from a Then or a snake of gigantic size which dwelt in a cave. Legend has it that the people destroyed the snake to rid themselves of its reign of terror. Adjacent to the very spot where the Thlen was slaughtered lies the Dainthlen Waterfalls. Natural rock carvings of the episode draw visitors to see the image of the Thlen, the symbol of greed, corruption, and evil.

Elephant Falls

Named after an Elephant like stone at its base, the Elephant Falls are amongst the most popular falls in the North-East, situated close to Shillong. It is a tourist attraction with three layers of the falls accessible from different vantage points.

The Incredible Growth of eSports

The eSports industry has seen tremendous growth over the years, both in terms of viewership and revenue. The increasing viewership is what mainly contributed to the revenue growth – and it’s not just because those viewers are generating revenue. Seeing the potential of reaching a large and engaged audience, brands are, investing in esports marketing both directly and indirectly. This has contributed to rapid revenue growth in the industry, only slowed down by COVID limiting large public eSports events.
eSports has also experienced growth in several other aspects, with many of them interrelated in one way or another. In this post, you will learn more about just how much the eSports industry is growing so you can understand how to leverage it.
We define eSports as being “professional or semi-professional competitive gaming in an organized format (tournament or league) with a specific goal/prize, such as winning a championship title or prize money).” The eSports stats we include here relate to professional competitive gaming content only and don’t include amateur competitions or live streaming around non-organized competitive gaming. Newzoo separates the eSports market from the live-streaming market (aka gaming market). For these stats, Newzoo separates eSports enthusiasts from occasional viewers. They define eSports enthusiasts as people who watch professional eSports content more than once a month and occasional viewers as those who watch professional content less regularly than that. Note that some of the statistics we report here differ from what we wrote in an earlier version of this article due to a change in Newzoo’s definitions and recognition of what they consider professional eSports.

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Earnings in eSports Tournaments

There’s little doubt that with so much growth in many of these statistics, there would also be growth in eSports tournament prize money and player earnings – at least until COVID arrived. 

In 2019, the total prize money for 5591 tournaments was $236,221,114. So, the mean tournament prize pool was $42,250. With 28,336 active players at these tournaments, each player’s mean earnings were $8,336, and their median earnings were $666.67 per player.

With the arrival of COVID-19 in 2020, the overall total prize money fell to $119,457,468 from just 4478 tournaments. The mean tournament prize pool was $26,677. With 24,231 active players at these tournaments, each player’s mean earnings were $4,930, and their median earnings were $582.08 per player.

Esports Teams and Advertising

Just like traditional professional sports, esports teams have owners, franchises, endorsement deals, cash prizes from tournament winnings, and more—all contributing to their annual revenue and total valuation. When the pandemic subsides, esports leagues will likely resume their efforts to expand their audiences by hosting live gameplay with regional esports teams in a way that will more closely mimic traditional sports leagues. 

As of 2020, the top five most valuable esports teams according to Forbes are:

TSM – Value: $410 million

Estimated Revenue: $45 million

Revenue from Esports: 50%

Owner: Andy Dinh

Cloud9 – Value: $350 million

Estimated Revenue: $30

Revenue from Esports: 70%

Owners: Jack and Paullie Etienne

Team Liquid – Value: $310 million

Estimated Revenue: $28 million

Revenue from Esports: 89%

Owners: aXiomatic Gaming, Victor Goossens, Steve Arhancet

FaZe Clan – Value: $305 million

Estimated Revenue: $40 million

Revenue from Esports: 20%

Owners: Lee Trink, Richard Bengston (FaZe Banks), Thomas Oliveira (FaZe Temperrr), Yousef Abdelfattah (FaZe Apex), Nordan Shat (FaZe Rain)

100 Thieves – Value: $190 million

Estimated Revenue: $16 million

Revenue from Esports: 35%

Owners: Matthew Haag, Drake, Scooter Braun, Dan Gilbert

Misrepresentation under the Indian Contract Act, 1872:

A misrepresentation is an untrue statement of a material fact made by one party which affects the other party’s decision in corresponding to a contract. If the misrepresentation is identified, the contract can be declared void, and depending on the situation, the unfavorably impacted party may seek damages. In such a contract dispute, the party who made the misrepresentation becomes the defendant and the aggrieved party is the plaintiff. Misrepresentation in contract law is especially important in business dealings where huge transactions occur with high frequency. Misrepresentations of the value and/or risk correlated with an agreement can cause enormous financial losses to businesses and individuals while increasing the risk of collaborative business ventures. Accordingly, misrepresentation contract law is vital to ensuring fairness and diminishing the risk of entering into agreements between individuals and businesses.

Concept of Misrepresentation

For understanding the concept of misrepresentation first, we need to know the meaning of representation in terms of the contract. A representation is said to be such a statement that generates the entry into a contract but is not a part of a term of the contract.

Misrepresentation is about the giving of inaccurate information by one party (or their agent) to the other before the contract is made which induces them to make the contract. If a person makes a contract in reliance on misrepresentation and has to face loss as a result, they can revoke the contract or claim damages.

Unwarranted Statements

A statement made without any reasonable basis is an unwarranted statement. When a person makes a positive statement of a fact without any trustworthy source of information and believes that statement to be true, the act amounts to misrepresentation. When something is unwarranted it is not called for under the provided circumstances. For instance, arguing the merits of someone’s talent is one thing, but addressing them stupid is unwarranted.

Breach of duty

Once a duty has been established about the defendant we must find that the defendant has breached the duty. A breach of the duty of care occurs when one fails to achieve his or her duty of care to act wisely in some aspect. Commonly, if a party does not act reasonably to prevent foreseeable injuries to others, the duty of care is breached. Breach of duty is defined in a very interesting case named Vaughn V Menlove which states that the defendant is found to have overdue of the claimant and if he acts below the reasonable standard then a breach of duty would have been committed 

  • they may find out the cause of the breach and try to remedy it;
  • they may dispute that a breach has occurred;
  • they may argue that there is an exclusion clause or other terms in the contract limiting their liability for the breach; or
  • they might argue that there is a cause for their breach, or that the contract is invalid.

Inducing mistakes about subject matters

Inducing mistake about subject matter involves mistakes of fact. This happens when both the parties misunderstood each other leaving them at a crossroads. Such a wrongful act or a mistake can be because of an error in understanding, or ignorance or omission, etc. But a mistake is never intentional, it is an innocent commanding. 


The role social media plays 

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Human beings are social creatures. We need the companionship of others to thrive in life, and the strength of our connections has a huge impact on our mental health and happiness. Being socially connected to others can ease stress, anxiety, and depression, boost self-worth, provide comfort and joy, prevent loneliness, and even add years to your life. On the flip side, lacking strong social connections can pose a serious risk to your mental and emotional health.

In today’s world, many of us rely on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube, and Instagram to find and connect with each other. While each has its benefits, it’s important to remember that social media can never be a replacement for real-world human connection. It requires in-person contact with others to trigger the hormones that alleviate stress and make you feel happier, healthier, and more positive. Ironically for a technology that’s designed to bring people closer together, spending too much time engaging with social media can actually make you feel more lonely and isolated—and exacerbate mental health problems such as anxiety and depression

The positive aspects of social media

While virtual interaction on social media doesn’t have the same psychological benefits as face-to-face contact, there are still many positive ways in which it can help you stay connected and support your wellbeing.

Social media enables you to:

  • Communicate and stay up to date with family and friends around the world.
  • Find new friends and communities; network with other people who share similar interests or ambitions.
  • Join or promote worthwhile causes; raise awareness on important issues.
  • Seek or offer emotional support during tough times.
  • Find a vital social connection if you live in a remote area, for example, or have limited independence, social anxiety, or are part of a marginalized group.
  • Find an outlet for your creativity and self-expression.
  • Discover (with care) sources of valuable information and learning.

The negative aspects of social media

Since it’s a relatively new technology, there’s little research to establish the long-term consequences, good or bad, of social media use. However, multiple studies have found a strong link between heavy social media and an increased risk for depression, anxiety, loneliness, self harm, and even sucidal thoughts

Social media may promote negative experiences such as:

  • Inadequacy about your life or appearance. Even if you know that images you’re viewing on social media are manipulated, they can still make you feel insecure about how you look or what’s going on in your own life. 
  • Fear of missing out (FOMO). While FOMO has been around far longer than social media, sites such as Facebook and Instagram seem to exacerbate feelings that others are having more fun or living better lives than you are.
  • Isolation. A study at the University of Pennsylvania found that high usage of Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram increases rather decreases feelings of loneliness. Conversely, the study found that reducing social media usage can actually make you feel less lonely and isolated and improve your overall wellbeing.
  • Depression and anxiety The more you prioritize social media interaction over in-person relationships, the more you’re at risk for developing or exacerbating mood disorders such as anxiety and depression.
  • Cyberbullying. About 10 percent of teens report being bullied on social media and many other users are subjected to offensive comments. Social media platforms such as Twitter can be hotspots for spreading hurtful rumors, lies, and abuse that can leave lasting emotional scars.
  • Self-absorption. Sharing endless selfies and all your innermost thoughts on social media can create unhealthy self-centeredness and distance you from real-life connections.


Piracy refers to the unauthorized duplication of copyrighted content that is then sold at substantially lower prices in the ‘grey’ market. The ease of access to technology has meant that over the years, piracy has become more rampant. For example, CD writers are available off the shelf at very low prices, making music piracy a simple affair.
Many laws have been made to prevent privacy. Internationally, the laws for punishing piracy in developed countries are stringent and punitive in nature. In Asian countries and more in India too, it does not get the attention at the national level due to more engaging issues at hand. However, the industry, especially the IT and music industry, has been taking an active interest in stemming the rot. These organizations identify sources of music piracy and then conduct raids with the help of the police. However, convictions are few and the penalties are not harsh enough to act as a deterrent. Piracy is done in many ways like video piracy, cable piracy, and DVD/CD piracy. Video piracy takes place when a film is produced in the form of a video cassette without proper authorization from the right holder i.e. the producer. Often, film producers sell video rights to another party (generally after six weeks or more of release in theatres), which makes video cassettes for selling, or lending.

Types of Piracy


This type of piracy is the illegal duplication, distribution, or sale of copyrighted material with the intent of imitating the copyrighted product. In the case of packaged software, it is common to find counterfeit copies of the compact discs incorporating the software programs, as well as related packaging, manuals, license agreements, labels, registration cards, and security features.

Internet Piracy

This occurs when unauthorized software is downloaded from the Internet. The same purchasing rules apply to online software purchases as for those bought in compact disc format. Common Internet piracy techniques are:

  • Websites that make software available for free download or in exchange for others
  • Internet auction sites that offer counterfeit or out-of-channel software
  • Peer-to-peer networks that enable unauthorized transfer of copyrighted programs

End-User Piracy

This occurs when an individual reproduces copies of software without authorization. These include:

  • Using one licensed copy to install a program on multiple computers
  • Copying discs for installation or distribution
  • Taking advantage of upgrade offers without having a legal copy of the version to be upgraded
  • Acquiring academic or other restricted or non-retail software without a proper license
  • Swapping discs in or outside the workplace

Client-Server Overuse

This type of piracy occurs when too many users on a network are using a central copy of a program at the same time. If you have a local-area network and install programs on the server for several people to use, you have to be sure your license entitles you to do so. If you have more users than allowed by the license, that’s “overuse”.

Hard-Disk Loading

This occurs when a business sells new computers with illegal copies of software loaded onto the hard disks to make the purchase of the machines more attractive.

Child labour in India

The term “child labour” is often defined as work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential, and their dignity, and that is harmful to physical and mental development. It refers to work that :

  •  Is mentally physically, socially, or morally dangerous or harmful to children and/or
  • interferes with their schooling by depriving them of the opportunity to attend school; obliging them to leave school prematurely; or requiring them to attempt to combine school attendance with excessively long and heavy work.
Image Source : PTI

Key facts

  • The number of children in child labour has risen to 160 million worldwide – an increase of 8.4 million children in the last four years – with 9 million additional children at risk due to the impact of COVID-19.
  • Progress to end child labour has stalled for the first time in 20 years, reversing the previous downward trend that saw child labour fall by 94 million between 2000 and 2016.
  • The incidence of hazardous work in countries affected by armed conflict is 50% higher than the global average.
  • 30 million children live outside their country of birth, increasing their risk of being trafficked for sexual exploitation and other work.

Child labour in India
According to data from Census 2011, the number of child labourers in India is 10.1 million of which 5.6 million are boys and 4.5 million are girls. A total of 152 million children – 64 million girls and 88 million boys – are estimated to be in child labour globally, accounting for almost one in ten of all children worldwide.
Despite rates of child labour declining over the last few years, children are still being used in some severe forms of child labour such as bonded labour, child soldiers, and trafficking. Across India, child labourers can be found in a variety of industries: brick kilns, carpet weaving, garment making, domestic service, food and refreshment services (such as tea stalls), agriculture, fisheries, and mining. Children are also at risk of various other forms of exploitation including sexual exploitation and production of child pornography, including online. Child labor and exploitation are the results of many factors, including poverty, social norms condoning them, lack of decent work opportunities for adults and adolescents, migration, and emergencies. These factors are not only the cause but also a consequence of social inequities reinforced by discrimination.

How can we stop child labor in India?

  • Sending more children to school 

India has the world’s largest educational system, yet faces the hurdles of low literacy, due to low enrolment. Organizations like Save the Children execute several initiatives to boost children’s enrolment in schools. The organization maps out-of-school children and those who are at risk of dropping out and ensures that they enter into the fold of education.

  • More stringent laws and effective implementation

Policymaking is essential to long-lasting social change, and lobbying for better laws involves demonstrating how change can bring considerable benefit. The government should be strict with all the laws and take heavy actions against the lawbreakers.

  • Spread awareness

Parental awareness of the evils of child labor can prevent disruption in schooling and the pushing of children into labor. Lack of understanding on the part of parents creates situations where traffickers prey upon children and many trafficked children end up in child labor. Aware communities can comprehend and respond to children’s issues much more effectively.

  •   Discouraging people to employ children in homes, shops, factories, etc

Child labor gets a resounding approval when Indian businesses openly use it, in industries like retail, hospitality, and menial work. NGOs today sensitize trade organizations to end this social evil and educate locals about reporting instances of child labor at businesses and homes. Save the Children has to its credit getting India’s biggest IT market declared child-labor-free.

( Reference from UNICEF and UNICEF India)

Substance abuse in India

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Substance abuse also known as drug abuse refers to the harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive substances, including alcohol and illicit drugs. The use of psychoactive substances causes significant health and social problems for the people who use them, and also for others in their families and communities. Substances of abuse include alcohol, opiates, cocaine, amphetamines, hallucinogens, prescription, and over-the-counter drug abuse. (Psychoactive substances are substances that, when taken in or administered into one’s system, affect mental processes).

Psychoactive substance use poses a significant threat to the health, social and economic aspects of families, communities, and nations. Globally, the prevalence of alcohol use disorders is significantly higher than the prevalence of drug use disorders. Generally, alcohol and drug use disorders are more common among males than among females. According to the World Health Organisation Report 2002 (WHO), 8.9% of the total burden of disease is due to the use of psychoactive substances; tobacco accounted for 4.1%, alcohol 4%, and illicit drugs 0.8% of the burden of disease. There are 2 billion alcohol users, 1.3 billion smokers, and 185 million drug users globally (WHO 2002). These three psychoactive substances have different disease burdens on different age groups. Illicit drug use causes mortality earliest in life, alcohol also mainly (65%) before the age of 60, while 70% of the tobacco deaths occur after the age of 60.

In India

Today, no part of the world is free from the curse of drug trafficking and drug addiction. Millions of drug addicts, all over the world, are leading miserable lives, between life and death. India too is caught in this vicious circle of drug abuse, and the numbers of drug addicts are increasing day by day. According to a UN report, One million heroin addicts are registered in India, and unofficially there are as many as five million. What started as casual use among a minuscule population of high-income group youth in the metro has permeated to all sections of society. Inhalation of heroin alone has given way to intravenous drug use, that too in combination with other sedatives and painkillers. This has increased the intensity of the effect, hastened the process of addiction, and complicated the process of recovery. Cannabis, heroin, and Indian-produced pharmaceutical drugs are the most frequently abused drugs in India. Cannabis products, often called charas, bhang, or ganja, are abused throughout the country because it has attained some amount of religious sanctity because of its association with some Hindu deities. The International Narcotics Control Board in its 2002 report released in Vienna pointed out that in India persons addicted to opiates are shifting their drug of choice from opium to heroin.

Adolescent drug abuse is one of the major areas of concern in adolescent and young people’s behavior. It is estimated that, in India, by the time most boys reach the ninth grade, about 50 percent of them have tried at least one of the substances of abuse nature. In the last three decades, many epidemiological surveys have been carried out in India to assess the prevalence of substance abuse.

Where I encountered with corruption

Corruption in India is an issue that affects the economy of central, state, and local government agencies in many ways. Corruption is blamed for stunting the economy of India. A study conducted by Transparency International in 2005 recorded that more than 62% of Indians had at some point or another paid a bribe to a public official to get a job done. In 2008, another report showed that about 50% of Indians had first-hand experience of paying bribes or using contacts to get services performed by public offices, however, in 2020 their Corruption Perceptions Index ranked the country 86th place out of 180, reflecting a steady decline in the perception of corruption among people. 

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My personal experience with corruption.
(I have changed the designation and events places since I don’t want to be in trouble)
It was back in February when I went to DTO(District Transport Office) to get the form for my driving license. I took the form and filled out the details, went to the counter to submit the form but I was told that the official would come on the next day. I came back the next day and the same thing happened to me all the time. After visiting the office for a week finally, the official had come and I submitted my form to him and all he responded was that the process would take up to 3 weeks to 2 months.
It was already a month and I had no response for my form, I went to the office to get inquired but I found out that they had not even checked the form yet. Another official came and told me to come tomorrow for the clicking of photograph and I went there the next day. My photo was taken and processing of my form had begun. Later on the same week I had got the call that I had to appear for the driving test. I went for the test, I had seen many people outside the hall talking to the instructor but they didn’t enter inside. The instructor came inside and asked me some basic road rules, I knew the answers easily so it didn’t take me much time. And I was told again to wait for a month for a response. I came back after a month and found out that I had failed the test, I reappeared again and I failed it again. It was my third attempt now and I didn’t want to lose it, I asked the instructor that even if my answers are correct, why did I failed but he didn’t answer me. Then outside I met a man who asked me the purpose to come to this office, I told him everything about me failing the test. He replied calmly that if I don’t pay the officials 4000 rupees, they will not let me pass the test and get my license.

In India in every office there is a bit of corruption till the date, the officials won’t do the what they are given salaries for, instead, they would ask for bribes for doing the work.
A study conducted between 2004 and 2005 found that India’s driver licensing procedure was a hugely distorted bureaucratic process and allows drivers to be licensed despite their low driving ability through promoting the usage of agents. Individuals with the willingness to pay make a significant payment above the official fee and most of these extra payments are made to agents, who act as an intermediary between bureaucrats and applicants
The average licensee paid Rs 1,080, approximately 2.5 times the official fee of Rs 450, to obtain a license. On average, those who hired agents had a lower driving ability, with agents helping unqualified drivers obtain licenses and bypass the legally required driving examination. Among the surveyed individuals, approximately 60% of the license holders did not even take the licensing exam and 54% of those license holders failed an independent driving test.
Agents are the channels of corruption in this bureaucratic driver licensing system, facilitating access to licenses among those who are unqualified to drive. Some of the failures of this licensing system are caused by corrupt bureaucrats who collaborate with agents by creating additional barriers within the system against those who did not hire agents.

(Written with reference to : Wikipedia and transparency international)

The Movies

 A film also called a moviemotion picture, or moving picture is a work of visual art used to simulate experiences that communicate ideas, stories, perceptions, feelings, beauty, or atmosphere through the use of moving images. These images are generally accompanied by sound, and more rarely, other sensory stimulations.  The word “cinema“, short for cinematography is often used to refer to filmmaking and the film industry, and to the art form that is the result of it.

The worlds first three movies were 

  • The Horse In Motion (1878)
  • Roundhay Garden Scene (1888)
  • Arrival of a Train (1895)

Modern Cinema 

With years of the release of the first movie, the Cinema is constantly evolving all around the world with new technology being added up all the time. 

Back in the 1960’s to 1990’s watching movies in theaters was a huge trend and it was most popular among teens and college students. Students were so interested in watching the latest release on Fridays that they will bunk classes for it. 

Then came the era of VCR, DVD players. It gained a lot of market attraction. Their main motive was comfort and portability. People could buy a DVD player and then go to any movie library, pick any disc and watch it at home as many times as they want. and it also gave out a decent quality. The top companies in this field were Philips, Sony, and Toshiba.

Soon the era of internet had begun, people had soon begun shifting from DVD players and started to watch movies online on the internet. The acronym OTT stands for Over-the-Top. This means streaming across different devices whenever we want is possible because of “over-the-top,” a convenient little term that explains the new delivery method of film and TV content over the internet without the need for traditional broadcast, cable, or satellite pay-TV providers. In the best quality possible. In simple terms, we’re talking about people paying an internet provider, like jio, for internet access to watch Netflix, without paying for cable TV. In many ways, OTT platforms were considered much convenient since we didn’t need to Keep buying disks as we did for the DVD players. The top competitors in the market are Netflix, Amazon, and Disney. 

Is watching movies in theaters still a trend?

The beginning of covid culture

With the rise of coronavirus (COVID19), In the last few months, individuals, families, and communities in India have been negotiating a new social order. India’s roughly 1.3 billion people went under the first phase of lockdown in March 2020.  

The government had initiated these protocols concerning WHO :

  1. Wearing a mask in public 
  • Make sure your mask covers your nose, mouth, and chin.
  • Clean your hands before you put your mask on, before and after you take it off, and after you touch it at any time.
  • When you take off your mask, store it in a clean plastic bag, and every day either wash it if it’s a fabric mask or dispose of it in a trash bin if it’s a medical mask.
  • Don’t use masks with valves. 

2. Maintaining distance in public places

  • Avoid the 3Cs: spaces that are closed, crowded, or involve close contact.
  • Keeping 6 feet distance or a minimum of 3 feet in public
  • Meet people outside. Outdoor gatherings are safer than indoor ones, particularly if indoor spaces are small and without outdoor air coming in.
  •  Open a window to increase the amount of natural ventilation when indoors.

3. Keep good hygiene 

  • Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with either an alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water. This eliminates germs that may be on your hands, including viruses.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Dispose of the used tissue immediately into a closed bin and wash your hands.
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces frequently, especially those which are regularly touched, such as door handles, faucets, and phone screens.

4. Vaccination 

  • Get vaccinated as soon as it’s your turn and follow local guidance on vaccination.
  • Do not believe in any false information about vaccination.
  • The vaccines approved in India are :

          1 Zydus Cadila. ZyCoV-D. 

          2 Moderna. mRNA-1273.

          3 Sputnik V.

          4 Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) 

          5 Oxford/AstraZeneca. AZD1222.

          6 Serum Institute of India. Covishield

          7 Bharat Biotech. Covaxin. 

What to do if we get sick?

  • If you have a fever, cough, and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention immediately. Call by telephone first and follow the directions of your local health authority.
  • Do not take any random medicines without the concern of a proper physician. 
  • Know the full range of symptoms of COVID-19. The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, dry cough, tiredness, and loss of taste or smell. Less common symptoms include aches and pains, headache, sore throat, red or irritated eyes, diarrhea, a skin rash, or discoloration of fingers or toes.
  • Stay home and self-isolate for 10 days from symptom onset, plus three days after symptoms cease. Call your health care provider or hotline for advice. Have someone bring you supplies. If you need to leave your house or have someone near you, wear a properly fitted mask to avoid infecting others.
  • Keep up to date on the latest information from trusted sources, such as WHO or your local and national health authorities. Local and national authorities and public health units are best placed to advise on what people in your area should be doing to protect themselves.

Written with reference to WHO and MoHFW (Ministery of health and family welfare Government of India ) 

Changes in Education

It all started on the ending days of march 2020 when lockdown began in India, everyone was at home and there were no signs of going out. At that time many problems came out among students like stress, anxiety, frustration, and boredom and we missed going to school/college and hanging out with friends. 

Soon schools and colleges started the medium of education through the internet. First, we all thought it would be easy to cope up but it didn’t work out to be like that. Various methods were used for classes like reading material, assignments, communication via email, live chats or messages, and delivering content by live sessions, presentations, recorded videos, or lectures.

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 Both students and teachers faced a lot of problems in this medium.

Technical issues

Many students were not well equipped with devices and a high internet connection that is required for online learning. Due to this, they face problems in going live for virtual learning and other platforms that require an internet connection. And most of the teachers were not much familiar with technology as it was their first time teaching on this medium.


Because online learners use their computers and the Internet to participate in online learning, they may be tempted by many distractions. Students working on an assignment may find themselves surfing the Web, checking social networking sites, or catching up with video games. 

Lack of In-Person Interaction

Despite of getting reading material, communication via email, live sessions, presentations, recorded videos, or lectures for the students. As compared to traditional ones, students find it difficult to communicate in person who struggles with understanding concepts. Many times these students do not even approach teachers to clear their doubts as they are shy to speak up in front of everyone.


In online mode, the task of giving assignments is easier but it is difficult to evaluate the students on basis of their performance. There would be students who would be copying everything from the internet. In a recent survey, it was found that 73% of students cheat during online examinations via internet, and 27% were cheating through books. 

Time management

In many cases, both students and teachers find difficulty in managing their time with online learning and doing household work. Online learning is completely new for them and requires intensive work. Everyone needs a well-planned schedule to manage their time in an effective manner. Online learning provides flexible time unlike traditional classrooms, whereas in traditional classes the schedule is highly maintained.


The course and its content is designed earlier with respect to traditional classrooms. But with the shift to online learning, it requires redesigning of course which can take a considerable amount of time. In most cases, these courses work well in traditional classrooms but go flat in online learning. It happens when there are no content-related activities, assignments, or projects that can be done online.

Covid 19 brought a very big change in Education. Well in the end from my own perspective I can say conclusively that both traditional and online methods are in need of much evolving in fulfilling the needs of both teachers and students.